The Narrow Way



The Narrow Way

As we continue our journey through the book of Revelation, Pastor Pete mentioned the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus presents a teaching that has puzzled and challenged believers for centuries: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). This passage, often referred to as the “narrow way,” encapsulates a central tenet of Christian discipleship. But what does it mean, and how should it shape the lives of those who seek to follow Jesus?

To fully grasp the significance of the narrow way, it’s important to consider the broader context of Jesus’ ministry. This teaching comes towards the end of the Sermon on the Mount, a discourse in which Jesus outlines the characteristics and behaviors expected of His followers. The sermon addresses issues such as humility, mercy, purity of heart, and the importance of acting in accordance with God’s will. The narrow way, therefore, is not an isolated command but a culmination of the principles Jesus has been teaching.

In other words, the narrow way signifies a path that requires exclusive commitment to Jesus. Unlike the wide gate, which symbolizes a life lived according to worldly values and desires, the narrow gate demands a deliberate choice to follow Jesus and His teachings. This choice often involves rejecting behaviors and attitudes that are contrary to the Gospel, which can be challenging in a world that frequently promotes self-interest and moral relativism.

Indeed, walking the narrow path means adhering to the moral and ethical guidelines set forth by Jesus. This includes loving one’s enemies, forgiving those who have wronged us, and prioritizing spiritual treasures over material wealth. Such discipline often requires counter-cultural actions and a willingness to endure hardships for the sake of righteousness.

Despite the emphasis on discipline and commitment, the narrow way is not about earning salvation through works. It’s a journey that relies heavily on God’s grace. The challenges and difficulties encountered on this path remind believers of their need for God’s strength and guidance. The narrow way is traversed not by human effort alone but through divine assistance. Jesus established a community of believers who support and hold each other accountable. Forge, and the church, play a crucial role in helping individuals stay on the narrow path by providing fellowship, encouragement, and correction when needed.

But there are many misconceptions regarding the “narrow way”.

One common misconception is that the narrow way fosters a sense of elitism among Christians. However, Jesus’ teaching is not about creating an exclusive club of morally superior individuals. It’s about recognizing the universal need for God’s grace and striving to live in a manner that reflects His love and truth.

Another misunderstanding is that the narrow way demands perfection. While Jesus calls for high standards, He is also merciful and forgiving. The journey on the narrow path involves growth, repentance, and continual reliance on God’s mercy.

What are some of the practical steps to walk the Narrow Way?  Things that Pastor Pete reminds us of one way or another every week: Daily reflection and prayer (DAWG); Engagement with Scripture; Active participation in a faith community – Forge, Church, Bible Study, Fire Teams; and Service/Compassion.

The narrow way described by Jesus is a challenging but rewarding path that leads to a life like no other. It calls for a deep commitment to His teachings, moral and ethical discipline, and reliance on God’s grace. By embracing these principles and supporting one another in community, the men of Forge, and all believers, can navigate the narrow way and experience the fullness of life that Jesus promises, not to mention a better understanding of the book of Revelation.

To the Kingdom