From The Dawghouse | Clothed and in his right mind, finally.



Clothed and in his right mind, finally.

They really are out to get us men. Never doubt me on this.

Who is they? Demons. Yup, not some sort of psychological personification of evil but real beings you can’t see who hate your guts and whose raison d’etre is to destroy as many men (and women) as they can.

Check out Mark 5:1-20 for 3 minutes and read the story of one man who was chalk full of demons until Jesus set him free.

Go ahead. You’ll love this guy’s freedom story.


Ok, you’re back. Great. Here are some points the Spirit highlighted for me today in my DAWG:

Demons are real but I tend to downplay their existence because I can’t see them and because I’m so intellectually and scientifically conditioned by American education that the supernatural doesn’t seem real. But demonic activity totally permeates Jesus’ earthly day-to-day experience, and they most likely do mine as well today.

  1. Demons can get into people and take over their thinking and acting. When they do certain symptoms surface: o They become totally cut off from God, others & themselves.
  2. o They isolate.
  3. o They can become scary powerful and intimidating to others.
  4. o They become intimidators.
  5. o The are profoundly unhappy (v5) and harm themselves.
  6. o They are angry and self-destructive.

Demons apparently like to take over vulnerable people, people without Jesus in their lives. They apparently don’t like to be disembodied (v12 ff).

When a man really meets Jesus he can finally be clothed and in his right mind, for the first time. Finally.

So today I’m walking out to my day with these realities bouncing around in my mind:

Expect that you might meet people dominated by demons, maybe not to this guy’s extent, but certainly with some of the symptoms. “See” the spiritual world more clearly. Because Jesus is in you don’t be intimidated in the least. Trust in His power in you and be warm and kind, and want to help people with the truth. There is absolutely no shred of evidence that you have to be afraid of demons. They’re more afraid of Jesus in you than you need to be of them. Continue to help men. Get them free by telling them about Jesus. When they do they will be clothed and in their right minds, and be better for themselves and everyone else.

Ya, when I get Home to heaven I want to know this guys name and meet him and hear what he did with the rest of his life…finally becoming sane and all and following Jesus, I’ll bet it was a productive life.

Your turn. What does the Spirit say to you through the former demon man?

Strength & Courage,

Pete Alwinson