Thoughts For Saturday Before Easter – The Quiet Day





Saturday before Easter is the quiet day.

Thursday evening the Last Supper, Gethsemane, Judas betrays Jesus and Jesus is arrested and taken into custody, Peter denies his Lord.

Friday morning early, Jesus is taken before the chief priests and elders and scribes and is questioned and condemned and then turned over to Pilate before being given to the Roman soldiers who mock, scourge and crucify our Lord.  Giving up His Spirit, Jesus dies and is taken down from the cross and put in a tomb.  It is finished.

Saturday is the quiet day…

the day the Disciples are stunned, hidden away, shaken, wondering what God is doing in allowing Jesus to be arrested.  The day of no answers, emotional pain, deep questions, shattered dreams, hollow eyes, tear-stained faces, guilty hearts.  And more.

Who can really know what the Disciples were feeling on this day when all seemed lost.

We all have days that are like the Saturday before Easter.  We men try and press them down and deny them, but we have them.

It is good when the Father allows us to come to the end of ourselves and are forced to fall on our faces literally and figuratively and trust Him with our world that has been turned upside down.  We men need to be humbled because we tend to trust ourselves and we are never strong enough to make life work.

Today on this Saturday before Easter I ask you:

  • Is this one of those times for you – a Saturday before Easter?  Has your world shut down and you are stunned and alone?  Good, turn your eyes upward and remember that tomorrow, Easter is coming.
  • Is this actually a good time for you right now in life?  Your job and family and health and finances are in good shape and you’re pretty content.  What do you do?  Use this Saturday to remember that Jesus went to the cross and was in the tomb so that you could be reunited with your Father, and could be redeemed, and be His son.

Your identity will never be the same because of what Jesus did.

Take some time to be quiet and yes, reflect on your sins that put Him on the Cross.

Then look forward to Easter.

It is finished.

Because of Jesus the Father is not angry at your sin.

Because of Jesus you’re His son forever.

Because of Jesus your life is better.

Because of Jesus.

Use the quiet day to reflect deeply and be thankful.

Thankful men become great men as God defines greatness.

Tomorrow I’ll be saying with you:


Your brother,

Pete Alwinson