Thirsty Men


Thirsty Men…

WoW…what a week leading up to Easter, which is always emotionally charged for me, but this year, this was especially true. Easter Sunday, my wife Amy and I went down to the lake to watch the sunrise. I’m not sure about where you were, but it was a cloudy morning so the sun’s exposure was very limited. I was reminded of a flight I took years ago from Orlando to Houston. It had been a cloudy day in Orlando. As I was flying above the clouds, the day was absolutely beautiful. Then as we …approached Houston, we descended through the cloud cover only to realize the people of Houston had been experiencing the same cloudiness I had experienced in Orlando. And yet, the reality was that above the clouds, the sun was shining brightly. I was immediately overcome with this sense of how this is often how I live my life. The reality of the cloudiness in my life sometimes keeps me from seeing that God, our good, good Father is still shining brightly into my life and the world.

For sure in these crazy days in which we find ourselves right now, there is a lot of “cloudiness”. For me, the cloudiness is how do I do my job right now, will my job continue, am I leading my family well, reminders of past failures…and many others.

How about You…Is there anything that is clouding your life, keeping you from experiencing the reality of God’s presence and purpose for your life?

As all of these things were going through my mind on Easter Sunday and even the next morning during my DAWG time, God once again showed Himself faithful. As I read in Isaiah 44:3-4, “For I will pour water on him who is thirsty”, I was reminded that those things which I call “cloudiness” are actually reminders pointing to the reality that I am a thirsty man…and God desires that as I recognize my thirstiness, I run to Him.

And I can…we can because of the reality of Easter. The reality of Jesus sacrificing His life for our forgiveness and resurrected to give us newness of life is to make a way for us to experience God in the everyday realities of our lives and to share this experience with others.

My prayer for myself and for all of us…God, help us to see ourselves as thirsty men. Help us to see the places we run to other than You to quench our thirst and in seeing those places, Holy Spirit redirect our hearts and minds to run to You for quenching. Thank you that Your streams come to us on dry ground, just as we are, where we are and as You quench our thirst, You encourage our hearts by reminding us that Your faithfulness isn’t just for us but also to our families after us…Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You are an amazing God!!!

Stay Thirsty my brothers…
