The weak made strong…What it looks like to be BOLD!

The weak made strong…What it looks like to be BOLD!
What are you listening to these days?
There is a lot to listen to and think about in these days of Covid-19 and Social Unrest. Even if none of this was happening, if life were “normal,” there are still so many voices calling out for us to listen to. This is why it is so important that our DAWG happen everyday. The voice we need to hear the loudest and clearest is the voice of our Good, Good Father!
Last week as a part of Pete’s talk, he suggested we go check out videos of Lions. I did that and after looking at those amazing animals, I returned to my DAWG and the very first verse I read was…The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion, Proverbs‬ ‭28:1‬. Did you hear what I just said…I was watching a video of Lions and then returned to reading my Bible and the first verse I read, of ALL the verses in the Bible, was a verse about Lions!!! Needless to say, God had gotten my attention. This lead me on a multi day journey to examine my life and what it looks like to be BOLD.
Now, on the backside of this examining…even though it will be ongoing, God really stirred my heart about the areas where I’ve been called to be Bold, in the leading of my family, in loving my neighbors, in being more intentional to engage those people God brings into my life each day with Grace Energized conversations, in my work and leadership responsibilities to recognize the importance of being fully present and engaged.
But I found myself thinking why am I not more Bold, what are the obstacles that keep me from being this way. This was the best part of my journey towards Boldness…God began to lead me to great verses which reminded me that my Boldness, real strength for Life, is found in embracing the reality of my weakness and running to Him who is strong.
My invitation for us as FORGE men is to slow down enough right now to linger in the verses below, asking the Holy Spirit, “What are you saying to me?”
If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small…Proverbs‬ ‭24:10‬
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion…Proverbs‬ ‭28:1‬ ‭
If thy strength be small, go to the strong for strength. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength…Isaiah‬ ‭40:29‬ ‭
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me…2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:9‬ ‭
being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy…Colossians‬ ‭1:11‬ ‭
How do I manage the tension of awareness of my weakness and my calling to Be Bold…It starts with a daily reminder of who I am and who God is. Then, being Energized by Grace, I surrender my life with all the realities of my day knowing His supply of “grace is sufficient for me.”
So we go into life, as FORGE men, as Warriors, weak and strong at once; weak in order to be strong; strong in our weakness, “His strength being made perfect in it;” and at length “glorying even in my” depressing “infirmity, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
I wanted to share the lyrics and video of a song that energizes me as I embrace my weakness and His strength…helping me to live a BOLD Life!!!
Not words the world speaks into us everyday day but words to live by!
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Christ alone, Cornerstone
Weak made strong in the Savior’s love
Through the storm
He is Lord
Lord of all
He is Lord
Lord of all, Christ alone…
Thankful to journey with you in becoming Great men as God defines Greatness…Kelley