The Men Who Built America



The Men Who Built America

Daniel Boone, Davey Crocket, Lewis & Clark, Kit Carson, John C. Fremont, Andrew Jackson. These were the some of the premier frontiersmen who pushed America westward against impossible odds. Carve out some time to watch History Channel’s series by that title, The Men Who Built America. You’ll love it.

America has forgotten the men.

Truth: Without men, America would never have been built.

Catch this from Anthony Esolen’s great work, No Apologies: Why Civilization Depends on the Strength of Men:

Imagine a scene:

“You are standing at the edge of a vast sea of grasses, with not a tree in sight. Birds and animals there are, and the buffalo, thousands in a herd to shake the earth, have left many a sign of their passing through. But there are no farms, no roads, no houses, no towns, no barges on the shallow and sluggish rivers, no canals, no mills. Beneath your feet, for many hundreds of miles in all directions, lies some of the richest soil in the world. It is untilled, and except for the natives who hunt the grazing beasts, it feeds no one. In one century, a mere blink in the eye of the life of mankind on earth, this land will be crisscrossed with the most life-giving and life-expanding works of man’s labor and intelligence, and it will feed billions. Men will make that happen.

“It is still so. Look around you. Every road you see was laid by men. Every house, church, every school, every factory, every public building was raised by the hands of men.” P. x

I know a lot of you don’t read and you can’t wait to get done with this blog! Those who do read, consider reading Esolen’s book.

America is currently a sickly culture because we have forgotten that God raised up men with strength to build, dominate and use their powers for the good of all. FORGE is committed to reversing that killing trend.


Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Isaiah, Daniel, Nehemiah, Jesus, James, John, Peter, Paul. These were some of the premier men who built the Kingdom of God on earth, who were used to usher in the Kingdom above all Kingdoms.

The Church has forgotten the men. The Church cannot forget the men.

You cannot explain the expansion of the Church down through history without celebrating a litany of men who pioneered the Gospel in the Roman Empire that from the top down was against it.

Imagine a scene:

Thriving churches in Antioch, Syria, Ephesus, Asia Minor that planted more and more churches out in the countryside, Philippi, a Roman Colony filled with soldiers, Corinth a two-port city, Rome, the Eternal City, Carthage, North Africa. Churches built in those cities didn’t just happen. Nothing ever just happens. The Gospel was taken by hardy men and women, but mostly men, into a brutal and pre-modern world when travel was more difficult than even today where you can’t be sure if your flight will get there, or on time. That same Gospel is still spreading. In a lot of difficult spots, by men.

Brothers, we do not disparage women by celebrating godly manhood and seeking to become great as God defines greatness, and by becoming strong men who build God’s Kingdom on earth until Jesus brings it fully in one day.

So, know yourself:

Have you bought the stupid lies our culture promotes every day that all men are toxic?

Don’t do it. And contradict the lies when you can in conversation.

Do you celebrate the reality that God intentionally made you a man?

Do it!

Do you believe the movies that makes women the action heroes and not the men?

They are laughable. I just watched a Netflix movie where the two heroes were women who accomplished physical acts that would have been impossible for them in real life. The bad people were both men. The good man died. Ya it was a movie for our time…propaganda, women and children are the best. Men are optional and bad. Let’s call it out when we see stupidity like that!

Use your strength and manhood for the glory of God.

“Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men. Be strong. Let everything you do be done in love.”

I Corinthians 16:13-14

His Kingdom Come through us,

Pete Alwinson