The “JESUS BOAT” and Other Archeological Finds in Israel


When you get a chance, read this brief article about the “Jesus Boat”.  We have no evidence this was a boat Jesus taught from of course!   But the label has stuck.

Recently I was the Bible teacher on the Footsteps of the Apostle’s Tour and we saw this boat up close and personal in Capernaum…it’s so ancient…so from Jesus’ time.

What’s the point?

Archeology unfailingly supports the narrative accounts we find in the Gospels.  In fact archeology throughout the areas mentioned in the New Testament over all (Israel, Asia Minor/Turkey, Greece and Italy) -all support the Biblical accounts.

The point is that the Bible conveys accurate history.  What is said happened and where it happened, actually did happen where the Bible said it happened.

Thus:  Because the Bible conveys reliable historical truth, it can also be trusted to convey reliable spiritual truth.  This in fact is what the Bible claims for itself:

2 Timothy 3:16-17

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Back to the Jesus Boat…

This is not a big boat at all, and so the accounts in the NT of boats being tossed by big winds is no fiction at all.  See Matthew 8:23-27.  Trust the Bible.

When you feel that your life is completely at the mercy of the events around you, like you’re in a little boat in a dangerous sea, remember to get into the Bible and read of God’s power and love and grace and mercy.  Trust the Bible to help you through rough seas.  Trust that the Bible will remind you and re-encourage you to know and feel that God is a loving God who is in control of your life.

Men, when you trust in your risen Savior and when your faith becomes stronger, you will give confidence to your wife, children, grand children, pastor, church members and everyone around you.  A strong faith comes from strong proof from God that He is able to sustain us.

In the work of Christ and in the Bible we have sufficient evidence to trust in God.

May we do just that for our good, and for the good of all around us!

Strength and Courage!