The Death of Self – Take 2



                                               DEATH TO SELF

                                                        Take 2

There is more to be said.  About death to self.  Like I said last week, sometimes to jumpstart my DAWG I read a great devotional book (just a page or two) before reading the Bible.  It kicks my soul and mind into listening to God gear.

So what more is there to say about death to self?  Tons.

Fenelon the Bishop of Cambrai, France said a long time ago:

“The great Physician who sees in us what we cannot see, knows exactly where to place the knife.  He cuts away that which we are most reluctant to give up.  And how it hurts!  But we must understand that pain is only felt where there is life, and where there is life is just the place where death is needed.  Our Father wastes no time by cutting into parts which are already dead.  Do not misunderstand me; He wants you to live abundantly, but this can only be accomplished by allowing Him to cut into that fleshly part of you which is still stubbornly clinging to life.”

Fenelon, LET GO, Letter 4

I ended the last blog on Death to Self with: “Practice makes perfect.”

Actually, “perfect practice makes perfect.”

As we practice death to self we never practice it perfectly!  It takes a lifetime for us to actually learn to die to ourselves.  There is always more to learn because if we’re walking closely with Jesus the Word of God always shows us more of what sin in our lives has got to go and what character has to replace it.

And Fenelon has said that in practicing death to self you and I have to recognize that when God wants us to die to our own selfish desires, pain is involved.  There is pain in the mind and heart when I have to forgo what I want…when what I think is good for me I come to see is not good for me, there is pain in seeing that I really don’t have it all together like I thought I did and that something I value has to be cut out.  There are spiritual nerves associated with our sin.  There is no more skillful surgeon than God but look, surgery always involves severing something, and pain is involved.

This appeals to my warrior side that pain is involved in growth.  Of course, when you pump iron or run or ride long distances the reality is, “No pain no gain.”  That’s just a fact.

A couple of weeks ago one of our Florida representatives made the public comment about a bunch of women who were protesting something. He said that a whole lot of them were ugly and fat.  A female reporter asked him if he actually meant to imply and say that they were ugly and fat.  He said clearly…he gave a definitive Yes.  When asked what he would say to the fact that many felt that was offensive he replied, “Be offended.”

Ya he didn’t gain any points in any arena saying that.  Not recommended.

To our point:  Sin is spiritual fat and it’s downright ugly.  Offensive to God who is holy.  Be offended if you will.  If we are going to become great men as God defines greatness, men like Jesus, then we will have to warrior up and let grace energize us to take the pain of seeing our ugliness and then cooperating with God to have it cut out, ripped out, and amputated from our life, forever.


“Should you resist? Certainly not!  You must learn to suffer all things!  The death of self must be voluntary, and it can only be accomplished as far as you allow.  Anyone who resists death and repels its advances shows that he is not willing to die.  You must be willing to yield to the will of God whenever He decides to remove from you all of the props on which you have leaned.  Some times you must give up even your most spiritual friends, if they are props.  ‘What fearest thou, oh you of little faith?’”

Fenelon, LET GO, Letter 4

Who’s going to warrior up with me?  When you see the red lights of selfishness and self-will flashing on the dashboard of your life will you begin to practice death to self?

It’s the best thing you can do for God’s glory, for those close to you, and for yourself!

Trust me.  Fenelon.  Mostly trust God on this!

You take it to heart!

                   Pete Alwinson