Running With The Wolves Part 12 : BECOMING FULLY ARMED


Today we continue our new series “Running With The Wolves”

Description for this message on I Peter 4:1-11

Christianity is not for mamma’s boys.  No really, it’s not.  In this FORGE TALK on I Peter 4:1-11 the Apostle Peter is teaching men how to become fully armed for the conflict of life.  In using the language he does, Peter shows us that Christianity is really not like any religion that mankind has ever concocted.  In fact, Christianity is not religion, man reaching to God. Christianity is God proactively coming to us and building a relationship with us that will transform us from the inside out and enable us to thrive on this planet in the face of incredible danger.  Such successful living now has continuity into eternity.  Arm up properly now, and live powerfully now and forever.  That’s one major message of the Gospel!


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