Revival: Our Only Remedy



Revival: Our Only Remedy

If you weren’t at Forge when Bishop Jayson Quiñones presented a riveting account of the Hebrides revival in Scotland, you missed a deeply moving message. I would highly recommend you watch it at and share the message with as many people as you can. During Jayson’s talk, I couldn’t help but think about the deep need for a revival in our own country. Wouldn’t you agree?

In the opening chapter of Romans, Paul paints a vivid picture of the human condition when separated from God; a separation that feels remarkably prophetic. Romans 1:18-32 describes a society that has turned its back on God, embracing unrighteousness and suppressing the truth. This depiction is eerily familiar today as we witness a spiritual decline in our nation.

The United States, and indeed the world, is experiencing profound spiritual turmoil. Everywhere we look, it feels like the moral fabric of society is unraveling. The symptoms of this spiritual malaise are evident in the rise of violence, the breakdown of families, and the pervasive sense of hopelessness that grips our hearts. We are on the verge of a spiritual collapse, and it seems that God is giving us over to ourselves, just as Paul warned.

In Romans 1:24-25, Paul writes, “Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator – who is forever praised. Amen.” This passage illustrates the consequences of rejecting God and pursuing our own desires. When we prioritize the created over the Creator, we lose sight of the truth and fall deeper into sin.

Our society has embraced relativism, where truth is subjective and personal desires are exalted above all else. This has led to a culture where self-indulgence is celebrated, and accountability is shunned. The result is a pervasive sense of emptiness and disillusionment. People are searching for meaning in all the wrong places, leading to destructive behaviors and collective spiritual decay.

Yet, even in this bleak picture, there is hope. The same chapter that outlines the dire consequences of turning away from God also points us to the remedy: revival. As Bishop Quiñones shared with us, revival is a sovereign work of God, a powerful movement of His Spirit that awakens hearts, transforms lives, and can bring a society back to its knees in repentance.

Revival is not just a series of emotional experiences or temporary changes. It is a profound return to God, marked by genuine repentance and a renewed passion for His truth. It is a time when the church is revitalized, believers are strengthened in their faith, and the lost are drawn to the light of Christ.

To experience revival, we must start with humility.

2 Chronicles 7:14 reminds us, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Revival begins when we recognize our need for God and turn away from our sins.

We must also commit to fervent prayer. Throughout history, every great revival has been preceded by intense and persistent prayer – check out the Hebrides Revival. We need to intercede for our nation, asking God to pour out His Spirit and awaken hearts to His truth. We must pray for our leaders, our communities, and ourselves, that we may seek God above all else.

Furthermore, we must return to the truth of God’s Word. In a world that celebrates lies, we need to stand firm on the unchanging truth of Scripture. The Bible is our guide, our anchor in these turbulent times. We must immerse ourselves in its teachings, allowing it to shape our lives and inform our actions.

Finally, we must live out our faith boldly. In a culture that often mocks and opposes Christian values, we are called to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). Our lives should reflect the love, grace, and truth of Jesus Christ. By living out our faith authentically, we can draw others to the hope and redemption found in Him.

The challenges before the men of Forge, and the church, are immense, but our God is greater. As we navigate these tumultuous times, let us hold fast to the promise of revival. Let us seek God with all our hearts, praying fervently for His Spirit to move in our land. And let us live out our faith with courage and conviction, knowing that in Christ, we have the hope of true and lasting transformation.

May we turn to God with urgency and desperation, trusting that He alone can heal our brokenness and restore our nation, because…

Revival is our only remedy.

Joe Bouch