The Death of Self




Probably the #1 comment I get from Christian men about why they don’t have a DAWG…that is, A DAILY APPOINTMENT WITH GOD, where they read the Bible some and pray and listen to the Father before they start their work day…is…”I just can’t get started.”

I get that!  A man has to jumpstart his DAWG every day:  Just like you sometimes have to jumpstart your truck or car when the battery is low or dead.  And that sort of describes us in the morning right?  I have to jumpstart my brain in the morning…and my soul too!  My spiritual batteries are really low when I first wake up.

Sometimes I jump start my DAWG (after grabbing my cup of coffee and sitting down at my desk where no one can find me) by reading a short chapter in LET GO!  A series of letters by Bishop Fenelon- a strong spiritual leader who lived in the 1700’s.  (You can find that little book online…powerful!  I’ve read it dozens of times.)

So today I read Letter 4:  THE DEATH OF SELF


Now I’ll bet that title just draws you in.  I mean every man wants to die to self, right?

Here’s how Fenelon starts out as he writes to a friend:

”I cannot express to you how deeply I sympathize with you in your time of suffering.  I suffer right along with you, but still, it cheers me up to know that God loves you.

            “And the very proof that God loves you is that He does not spare you, but lays upon you the cross of Jesus Christ.  Whatever spiritual knowledge or feelings that we may have, they are all a delusion if they do not lead us to the real and constant practice of dying to self.”

Dying to self is Fenelon’s lifelong teaching theme as a pastor.  And it’s Biblical:

Galatians 2:20

 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Colossians 3:5

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

Romans 8:13

For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

My friend Pat Morley has said that the really big ideas of Christianity take 20 years to sink in, and that’s often right on.  This truth that the Gospel of Grace so connects us to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ that it in turn logically leads us to die to self -is one of those big truths that is finally resonating with me on the conscious level.

Here are some statements that Fenelon makes in his letter which prompt my thinking about dying to self:

  • Even in our suffering and trials, God loves us! (Romans 8:35-37)
  • The proof that God loves us is that He does not spare me difficulties, pains and trials, but uses them to get me to die to self and thus grow closer to His heart and will for my life! (Romans 8:28). He knows that the more I live for myself the more I will sow bad seeds that will destroy me. (Galatians 6:7-8)
  • Growth in Christ likeness because of grace salvation demands “real and constant practice” of death to self. Whoa…what does that mean?

I think something like this…

Say your wife wants you to do something around the house…like, resod the back yard… which you really don’t want to do, but it makes sense to do and it would make her know that you love her and care about her more than your work and hobbies if you do it…and you can afford it financially if you do it yourself.

What do you do?

You say to your wife:  “Mmmm…well honey let me think it over ok?”

Then you process the issue with Jesus first.  Sample conversation:  “Lord You know I don’t want to resod the lawn.  Uh, right now my self is screaming ‘NO WAY!’.  What should I do?  I hate the idea and it’s hell-hot outside this time of the year!”

Time thinking and listening and reading Scripture to think God’s thoughts after Him.

“So it makes sense Lord.  I should do it.  But Lord, You gotta help me kill my selfish desires on this one.  I don’t want to do it, but help me want to for the good of my marriage and to honor You as well.   Help me serve and love in this practical way and yes, kill my own desires to just do what I want.  In Your Holy Name I pray, amen.”

Next steps:

Experience the joy of death to self and the freedom from the control of selfishness!

Then tell your wife you’ll do it and maybe ask some FORGE brothers to help you do it.

Set the date.  Order the sod.  Get it delivered.

Then do it.

Repeat this process whenever the red light of your own selfish desires starts flashing on the dashboard of your mind and soul.

You won’t have to always not do what you want.  But at times for sure.

That, I think, is what my mentor Fenelon calls practicing death to self.
Practice makes perfect.

You take it to heart,

Pete Alwinson