Man Talk


Pete was joined on stage by two former NAVY Seals and FORGE men, Anthony Rivera and Brady Duke. The discussion covers a lot of topics, including their time in the Seals as well as their lessons on leadership.

Unfortunately there were technical difficulties with the microphone of one of the guest speakers on stage today, so Anthony Rivera’s portions of the message have been cut out since they were too difficult to hear from the livestream (for those attending live, there were no sound issues…unfortunately this was only an issue for the recording).

FORGE is an Orlando Men’s Ministry committed to building great men as God defines greatness! We welcome men to come join us, every Tuesday morning at 7am in Winter Springs or Thursday morning at 7am in Longwood.

Below you’ll find options for downloads including a handout for the lesson (.pdf), an audio-only version of the lesson (.mp3) To save them, right-click and select “Save link as…”