This week, from The DAWGHOUSE looks at how our Good, Good Father makes Himself known to us, His sons through creation.

When a son doesn’t really know his father, he can’t really know himself. A father who is unhidden—who shares who he is with his son without holding back anything—is able to help his son find his own point of reference and identity in a chaotic world. A father differentiates his son from the crowd, focuses him, reinforces the point that his son is unique, and points to the trails in life that are consistent with their family.

If you had an earthly father who opened his life and heart to you, you know your father’s story. That’s a wonderful gift. But to really know ourselves, we have to go further than our earthly fathers. We have to know the Father—the one who made us and knows us intimately. We have to know him. All that our own earthly fathers can do only imperfectly, if at all, our heavenly Father does perfectly.

The good news is that our heavenly Father wants to be known. He wants his sons to know all about him because

he is not hidden. He is a totally committed “all-in” Father who wants you to know him and his love for you.


One way we can know God is simply by looking at what he has made. What a good way to get to know anyone. Just look at what a person creates and you will know so much about them. It’s easy to take a close look at what God made—just look up. Psalm 19:1–2 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.” God started talking from the very moment creation began and he has not stopped talking since. What do we learn about God from what he made? That question could never be fully answered, but let’s just make a small start.

Whether we’re hiking in the Rockies or driving to work, it’s easy to see in the world around us that there is a Creator God who is unimaginably powerful (Romans 1:18–20), and who exercised endless creativity in the varieties of animals and plants he has made (Job 39). God’s infinite wisdom and provision for his creatures is seen in the very foundations and boundaries of earth’s sea and geography (Job 38:8–11) as well as the cycles of the days and seasons (Job 38:19–20). Mapping the human genome stuns us with the intricacy of God’s design. When you look at the world around you and consider who created it, you see the power, magnificence, and glory of God, your Father.

Be Bold in Knowing our Father,
