Keeping Your Faith in Dark Times




I asked my friend Joe Bouch to share his thoughts on the subject above…

            You will benefit!

Keeping your faith in Jesus, not to mention your walk as a Christian, during times of suffering can be challenging, but it is possible to find strength and hope as you navigate the deep dark valleys. My wife and I, like most believers, have gone through our share of desert experiences during our Christ journey, but nothing could have prepared us for one that was so dark and so challenging to our faith, that it took all we had to just get up in the morning and breath, let alone stand firm in Jesus. Yet it was faith alone, in Jesus, that allowed us to persevere…to stay focused on the light, and to ultimately win the battle. And by the way, keeping your eyes on Jesus and remaining faithful to the One who made you means accepting that the darkness may never be resolved in the way you want it resolved, and certainly doesn’t mean it will be resolved quickly.  Our journey was 3 years on the dark side, and now going on 2 years in the light where God’s victory has been nothing short of miraculous.

Keeping your faith in Jesus is not for the faint of heart. It can be so hard, so dark, that everything you believe, know and have been taught will be challenged to the core. Sadly, during the darkest of times many fall away from their faith in Jesus, and never return. It is my belief that those who fall away from their faith fall away because they failed to armor up, believing that not only is God in control of all things, including the dark journey you are in, but that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).” Paul learned through his adversity and tribulations to be content, in whatever situation he should find himself, and to believe deeply that Jesus would prevail – always!

What did the darkest of journey’s teach my wife and I:


Prayer was a powerful tool for connecting Pam and I with God and finding solace in times of distress and darkness. It allowed us to pour out our hearts to Jesus, expressing our concerns, doubts, and fears. We leaned deeply on God’s guidance, strength, and peace. Trust that Jesus is listening and cares for you, and the situation you find yourself. Prayer was the cornerstone for Pam and my survival, and it should be for you as well. There is absolutely nothing more powerful than your heartfelt prayers to the Lord, and as well, an army of believers petitioning to Jesus on your behalf. Don’t ever think prayer doesn’t work. Perhaps it doesn’t work in the manner you want it to work but trust me when I say it works – every time! We, and others, prayed unceasingly for 3 straight years, and continue to do so, and our lives are richer for it. Our Lord is a God of Peace, and we need to pray for that peace for our soul. We need to have our loved ones, our brothers, and sisters in Christ, holding our arms up in prayer as we battle the Amalekites.


Why is it when times are dark, we fall away from the things that help the most? The Bible contains stories of individuals who faced hardships, not unlike the ones we face, and remained faithful. Reading and meditating on the Word of God will provide encouragement and deepen your understanding of Jesus’ teachings. Look for passages that offer comfort and hope, such as Psalms, Isaiah, or the New Testament’s teachings on perseverance. It is amazing how many believers simply miss the forest for the trees when it comes to God’s word. Trust me, there is nothing you are going through that God doesn’t understand, and further, that He hasn’t given us scripture to feast on. There is nothing you are going through that someone in the Bible has not already experienced. Lean on scripture daily!


Sadly, when Christians are confronted with the darkest of times, they often retreat in silence and solitude. Can you relate? We don’t want anyone to know about the dark journey we are experiencing believing others might think we must not be walking in faith. After all, people who are doing “all the right things” would certainly not be experiencing such dark times, right? Well, you couldn’t be more wrong. Shutting yourself off from community, friends and family is the worst thing you can do. You must surround yourself with fellow believers who can offer support, encouragement, and empathy. Get more involved in your church, small groups, Bible studies. Ramp it up. Go where you can share your struggles and find strength. Engaging in discussions with others who have faced similar challenges can help you see different perspectives and gain insights into how others maintain their faith. I think one of the most amazing things about sharing your situation with others is the discovery of how many people know someone, perhaps themselves, that has gone through the exact same journey. We sit in the darkness thinking we are the only ones who have ever faced this challenge. Community will help you discover this is simply not true.


Seek spiritual guidance. Reach out to a pastor, minister, or spiritual mentor you trust for guidance and advice. During the darkest of times our minds can be so clouded with fear and negativity, it paralyzes your ability to think clearly. Strong men and women of the faith can provide you with additional spiritual perspectives, insights into biblical teachings, and often offer personalized advice tailored to your situation. Yes, getting an army to surround you with prayer is critical, but it is as important to find those one, two or three individuals who will get on their knees with you and face the demons head on. Pam and I leaned heavily on 4 or 5 individuals who were in our corner from the beginning and remain in our corner today.


Pam and I had to remind each other that Jesus himself experienced suffering during his time on earth, and that it was important for us to reflect on his teachings, his compassion, and his sacrifice. No matter what your situation is, remind yourself that Jesus’ life and resurrection offer hope that even during suffering, there can be redemption, restoration, and the promise of eternal life.


When the darkness hits, we tend to isolate ourselves, but interestingly, we found that serving others was a healing remedy. Indeed, during your deeply dark desert experience, engaging in acts of service and compassion can help shift your focus from your own suffering to the needs of others. By following Jesus’ example of selflessness and love, you can make a positive difference in the lives of others, bringing light to the world and strengthening your own faith in the process. During our darkest of times, Pam and I would recall the young wife of our pastor at Calvary Presbyterian Church who was dying of cancer. For her, each day must have been so difficult, yet up to the day she went home to Jesus, she was serving others. Always ministering to those in need, praying for them, caring for them. For sure, we are confident it made her difficult days easier to navigate. What an example of Jesus.


Seek understanding and wrestle with questions. It’s natural to have questions and doubts during times of suffering but be deeply discerning about where you “gain your knowledge” and where you get advice for your situation. Sadly, there is so much bad information and advice out there, and it can easily lead you down a path that will make your journey even darker. Be careful. There is no off-the-shelf remedy for your journey that can be bought at the drug store. Focus on the things outlined above and you will be able to better shield yourself from the enemy.


When the situation you are facing is regarding a family member, you must take every step you can to protect their integrity, self-worth, and ability to heal. As you navigate the dark trials, recognize that every step you are taking could have a direct impact on the one you are trying to help. It is critical that those you bring into your circle for help fully understand that everything is being shared in confidence – that under no circumstance are they to share details of the “situation” with anyone else unless they get permission to do so. At one point in our journey, a person we asked to pray for us shared the situation (in good faith) with someone outside the circle, and it got back to the individual we were trying to help. The result was not good at all. It set us back a great deal. We learned the hard way that everything must be in confidence.

That’s it.

Remember that faith is a journey, and it’s normal to experience doubts and struggles. Allow yourself the space to question, seek answers, and grow in your relationship with Jesus. Trust that through it all, Jesus is present, and he can provide the strength and peace you need to persevere.

Joe & Pam Bouch