Israel at War!




From one source informing America of what has transpired since Saturday morning October 7:

Massive Hamas Attack on Israel

Update – Sunday, 10/11/23 – 1:00 p.m.

1200 murdered

1200 is 0.013% of Israel’s population.
Doesn’t sound like a lot?
Imagine if it was the number of people murdered in the United States in one day by a terror attack.
That’s almost 44,000 people.

3000 wounded

3000 is 0.0324% of Israel’s population.
The percentage may not seem high but imagine the same percentage of the United States population wounded in one day…
That’s almost 109,000 people.

Men, women, children.
The old, the sick, the infirm.
Entire families butchered and erased from the face of the earth.

THIS IS ISRAEL TODAY. We pour through the lists of the dead hoping that we’ll be “lucky” and not recognize a name. But for almost everybody we not only recognize one name, but many!




I know this promotional is strong and in our face.

And it needs to be. For too long evangelicals and many Americans in the U.S. have been soft on support for Israel and significantly more sentimentally leaning favorably toward Palestinians and even justifying terrorist activity.

Facts you should keep in mind as you evaluate the current war that Israel has declared against Hamas:

  • Jews started coming back to Israel for the first time since the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD in what is called the Zionist movement that began in the late 1800s in Europe as strong waves of antisemitism in Russia forced them to seek relief. Theodor Herzl (2 May 1860 – 3 July 1904) wrote a book: The Jewish State in 1896 to promote the idea of a Jewish homeland. Jews up to this point had no homeland since the Temple was destroyed by Rome.
  •  Jews began moving to Israel since the early 1900’s eventually founded the modern state of Israel. Palestinians who were there rejected any move to cooperate in building a new nation. War ensued and the modern state of Israel was founded in 1948.
  • Since the founding of Israel history will show the many times that Israel was attacked by surrounding Muslim neighbors and this current attack is only the latest, though one of the worst attacks every perpetrated on unarmed citizens in Israel. Hamas has proven itself to be evil and in this writer’s opinion, should be eliminated from Gaza.
  • Israel is the only Jewish state in existence, and the 9 million Jews in Israel do deserve to have their own homeland, linked as they are there to their historical and Biblical roots. There are approximately 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That’s 24% of the world’s population. They are scattered in 26 Muslim Countries in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East. Israel is also America’s ally and the only democracy in the entire region of totalitarian regimes. Justice demands that we stand with Israel in this struggle. America has been generous in sending billions of dollars to support Palestinians, especially to those in Gaza.
  • Spiritually, Christians have been grafted onto the root of Israel, Paul the Apostle says in Romans 11:11-24. All of the first Christians were Jewish of course and we owe them a debt of gratitude as our spiritual forefathers. In that sense they are beloved (Romans 11:28). In addition, God is not done with His people. The “gifts and calling of God are irrevocable”! (Romans 11:29) God is and will continue to redeem people from the Jews (Romans 11:25-26). We should pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the redemption of Jews today as much as we should pray for Muslims to convert to the true Savior and King, Jesus Christ.

We do not stand with any nation without holding it accountable to God’s standards. We do not support Israel on every issue without a critical eye any more than we should support our own government here in the United States without critical appraisal. But on this attack by Hamas, we must stand with Israel.

And we must stand with and pray for the 20-40,000 Messianic Jews- Christians, in Israel today.

The Jews are beloved for their forefathers.
The Messianic Jews are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let’s take it to heart,
Pete Alwinson