God is Not Like Your Earthly Dad




I recently came across a story that serves as an excellent illustration of Pastor Pete’s message at Forge this morning – the importance of a father’s influence in a child’s life.

The story is about a young man who committed a crime and was sentenced by a judge who happened to know him since childhood. The judge was acquainted with the man’s father, who was also a famous magistrate and legal scholar who authored exhaustive legal studies.

“Do you remember your father?” asked the judge.

“I remember him well, your honor,” the young man replied. To probe his conscience, the magistrate said, “As you are about to be sentenced and as you think of your wonderful dad, what do you remember most clearly about him?”

According to the story, the young man paused, looked up, and said, “I remember when I went to him for advice, he looked up at me from the book he was writing and said, ‘Run along, boy; I’m busy!’ When I went to him for companionship, he turned me away, saying, ‘Run along, son; this book must be finished!’ Your honor, you remember him as a great lawyer. I remember him as a lost friend.”

Whether a true story or fiction, it certainly reflects the reality for many men (and women) today, no matter their age.

Study after study after study reveal that a child raised by a loving and present dad (and mom) is much more likely to become a successful adult. And that success transmutes not only to the outcome of his or her life but also into their adult relationships. Even more important, our connection with our earthly father will deeply affect our view and understanding of God.

Indeed, many believers’ faith in a personal God is affected by how they relate to their fathers. If a dad is caring, patient, and involved in a child’s life, it becomes natural for that person to believe that God has the same traits. The opposite is likely true if a person grew up with a harsh, absent, or demanding father.

I personally was blessed with a loving and supportive earthly father. Growing up, my dad was not only caring and patient but also very involved in my life. Therefore, as I grew in my faith in Jesus, believing that the same God who parted the Red Sea could be interested in my life was never a question. I read my bible with full expectancy and belief that my heavenly father was, and is, highly involved in my life and desired to bless, protect, provide, and guide me.

Unfortunately, many have not had the same experience that I have, and as such, have expectations of God that mirror what they have experienced from their earthly father: not much.

If that is you today, I pray you wrap your heart around this truth: Even the best of dads will fall deeply short compared to God. God is not like your dad.

You are like your dad: flawed, broken, and in need of a heavenly father. You may not be able to trust your earthly father because he has disappointed you time and again. But you can fully trust Jesus.

God is everything that the perfect Father should be. He is our protector, provider, healer, creator, sustainer, corrector, and comforter. The biblical image of God as both King and Father are no accident. God simultaneously fulfills the role of omnipotent, omnipresent God who handles everything in the universe, but also the caring Father who has time to listen to each of His children at any time, at any moment.

It’s an incomprehensible thought, yet a priceless one.

The truth is that none of us had, or have, a perfect father. Even the best dads in the world mess up – mine did. But our Heavenly Father will never make a mistake or fail us, even if it sometimes feels that way. Your relationship with your Heavenly Father will always outshine even the best relationship with an earthly father, and in turn, it will transform your life, your relationships, your family in ways that are beautiful beyond measure.

Not sure?  Just dive in. Jesus won’t disappoint you.

            Joe Bouch

                        FORGE Winter Springs