From The Dawghouse | Yes, but…


Yes, but…


It’s been interesting how God has used time in my DAWG for me to think more about what our FORGE teaching has been over these last three weeks as Pete is leading us through Genesis. This week was no exception as Pete taught us from Genesis 4 regarding what sin looks like in the form of anger and how generations of a family are impacted.  If you missed the talk, I hope you’ll go to to listen!

As I thought about the specifics of Cain and Abel, how the story of our manhood is still being impacted by what happened in and out of the garden thousands of years ago, even as the reality of my own sin is ever present before me, we also live in the reality of God’s response then and now. As FORGE Men, we get to live in light of “the rest of the story!”

But God, being so very rich in mercy, because of His great and wonderful love with which He loved us, even when we were spiritually dead and separated from Him because of our sins, He made us spiritually alive together with Christ for by His grace—His undeserved favor and mercy—you have been saved from God’s judgment!

Ephesians 2:4-5

In my DAWG this week, God used the following prayer from Scotty Smith to remind me that even though Cain lived in brokenness and misery a certain way, that does not have to be my story, our story as FORGE Men.  As Scotty says…you revealed the depth of my need, then lavished the riches of your grace on me.

We get to live each day Grace Energized… spiritually alive together with Christ in His undeserved favor and mercy! One way this happens is when we take enough time during a day to do as King David did and “Remember His Benefits.” 

Praise the Lord, my soul, and don’t forget a single one of His benefits to you.

Psalm 103:2

Heavenly Father, age doesn’t just atrophy muscle mass, but gratitude-mass as well. But I’d far rather finish this life “ripped” with thankfulness than sporting “6-pack abs,” so here goes.

Thank you for an over-the-top glorious salvation in Jesus.

By your sovereign goodness, you revealed the depth of my need, then lavished the riches of your grace on me.

I’m hidden in Christ!

I’m standing in grace!

I’m rooted in Your love!

As an object of your constant affection and a subject in your unshakeable Kingdom, I live as a target of Jesus’ prayers, and as a son in whom your Spirit dwells. 

With a roof over my head and heaven as my home, a family to love and your Story to live, why would I ever whine? I have friends who invite me to play, pray, and ponder the glories of the Gospel. I can still taste dark chocolate, see your majesty in creation, and hear your voice in the Scriptures. 

Father, thank you for making me more comfortable with mystery, and less needful of control. Regrets and shame have less crippling power, and laughter and lingering come easier. Father, I love you. Thank you for being astonishingly generous, tenacious, and patient with me. So very Amen, I pray, in Jesus’ wonderful and merciful name.

FORGE Men…to Scottys’ list we say “YES!”  But what’s on your list?

Take some time and tell our Good, Good Father other things for which you’re grateful.

Remembering His benefits with my FORGE brothers…Kelley