From The DAWGHOUSE | What In The World…


What in the World…

Last week Pete, from the DAWGHOUSE, shared great words about satan and his demons at work in the lives of people.  The Holy Spirit fueled my thinking on this even more as I read from Charles Spurgeon this week as a part of my DAWG.  At Forge this week we heard about C.S. Lewis.  If you were not there, go to and check it out. But one of his great works was, “The Screwtape Letters.”  If you’ve read them, you are reminded of the way satan and darkness are at work in the world.

Jesus describes satan as a thief and says…he only comes to steal, kill, destroy.

John, the apostle and author of John saysIn the world ye shall have tribulation.

What questions does this cause me to ask?

The question I most often ask is why, as a follower of Christ, am I so susceptible to satan and why is there so much trouble in the world?  In my best theological moments, I can answer this well but in “real life” moments, the voices I hear are sometimes different.  When I’m facing certain trials, I often shame myself by saying it’s the sin in my life.  And guess what, it might be but sometimes it is the natural result of a world gone wild, a world corrupted by sin.

I took the liberty to give a modernized version of Charles Spurgeon answer to the question…Why, as a follower of Jesus, are we experiencing “tribulation?”


Look upward…To our heavenly Father.

See Him pure and holy.

Do you not know that one day you will be like him?

Are you easily conformed to His image?

Do you not require much refining in the furnace of affliction to become purified?

Is it an easy thing to get rid of your corruptions?

Is it an easy thing to become complete and whole even as our Father is perfect?


Look downward…To satan and his demons.

Are you aware of what foes are at your feet? You were once a servant of Satan, and no king will willingly lose his subjects. Do you think Satan will leave you alone?


Powers of darkness will be always attacking you, for he…goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.  Expect trouble, therefore, Christian, when you look below.

Look all around…To the world we live in.

Where are you? In this world you are in an enemy’s country living as a stranger and a traveler.  The world is not your friend. If it is, then you are not God’s friend, for he who is the friend of the world is the enemy of God. Know that you will find enemies everywhere. When you are asleep, know that you are resting on the battlefield; when you are traveling, suspect an ambush in every hedge. As mosquitoes are said to bite strangers more than natives, so will the trials of earth be sharpest to you.

Look inward…To yourself.

Look into your own heart and observe what is there. Sin and selfishness are still within.


  • If you had no devil to tempt you
  • If you had no enemies to fight you
  • If you had no world to ensnare you

You would still find enough evil within yourself to be a constant pain to yourself, for… the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.

Expect trouble then, but do not be discouraged by it, for our good, good Father is with us to help and to strengthen us. He has said…I will be with you in trouble; I will deliver you and I will honor you!

Grace Energized in a Forge mans’ life says…even though I have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Christ is in me and my hope of glory.  Live with confidence knowing that our Father will bring to completion the good work He has started in us!  Jesus says…I have come that you might have life, a life of overflowing fullness!


Those are words to live by with my FORGE brothers…Kelley