From The DAWGHOUSE | Staying In Shape


Staying in Shape…

I did something I rarely do on Wednesday of this week. In the morning…before my DAWG I usually take a quick glance at ESPN to see who the winners were and I can do this without getting too distracted because it’s sports, not real life:) But on this morning, for some reason, I flipped the screen to see newsfeeds and was quickly off to the races about a couple of “worldly” distressing/discouraging things. Almost immediately after thinking to myself…“let me flip to the third story”, I said…“no no no no, wait a minute, is this how you want your day to be shaped, by the voice of the world?” Thankfully, the Holy Spirit made clear the answer was no and so I began a slow process of moving into God’s presence by opening up His Word and hearing from Him. What was amazing is that the first two passages and accompanying devotional prayers from Scotty Smith had this common theme in them…less worthy storylines, narratives and worldviews will capture my attention unless I put myself in a place for God to capture my attention.

This got me thinking and asking the question, what are the things that shape my life, the things that shape my day?  The food we eat as FORGE men, the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional food is putting us in shape for the day.

Think about this, they’re called news FEEDS, a food for how we stay in shape.  I know these FEEDS are not necessarily bad for us, in fact, very necessary but they need to be supplements, not the main course.  The main course which gives us the needed nutrients for each day is sitting down for a meal with our Good, Good Father.  King David got this…taste and see that the Lord our God is good! Blessed, even to be envied is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.

Fueled by Grace…

As FORGE men, each of us has a vocational call.  For Pete, preaching is one of those.  Most of us aren’t called to preach to the world but we are called to preach the Gospel to ourselves every day.  This is some of what happens in our DAWG.  Each day we are shaped by many things but when the GOSPEL is the first and main thing shaping us, as Scotty Smith says…When,

  • our identity is defined by the riches of the Gospel
  • our thinking is shaped by the truth of the Gospel
  • our days are filled with the hope of the Gospel
    then we are being shaped the be great men as God defines greatness!

As I was finishing up my DAWG, I read Psalm 23 and God used these words to bring clarity and energy to all He’d been showing me that morning.  I sensed He was saying to me and to all of us…I, the Lord am your Shepherd

to feed you
to guide you
to shield you
You will not lack.

I make you lie down in fresh, tender, green pastures;
I lead you beside the still and restful waters.
I refresh and restore your life.
I lead you in the paths of righteousness, the path of uprightness and right standing with Me.

Yes, you will walk through the deep, sunless valley of the shadow of death.
But you will fear or dread no evil, for I am with you.
My rod to protect and My staff to guide,
they will comfort you.

I prepare a table before you, even in the presence of your enemies. I anoint your head with oil; your brimming cup runs over.


only My goodness
only My mercy
only My unfailing love
shall follow you all the days of your life.
Through the length of your days, the house of the Lord and His presence shall be your dwelling place.

Staying in Shape with my Forge brothers…Kelley