From The Dawghouse | Negotiating the WHY?



Negotiating the WHY?

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”
Proverbs 25:2

Because we’re made in the image of God, we have the ability to think and reason.

Because we’re fallen creatures our reasoning is often flawed and our conclusions incomplete and at least minimally inaccurate. Sometimes we are wildly inaccurate in our conclusions.

Because we live in a fallen world, there is much that has gone wrong in this world, and we are interacting with many other fallen people and therefore there are many mysteries which we inevitably seek to understand.

That’s the “WHY?”. Inquiring minds want to know, why…

Why did I lose my job? Why is so and so mad at me? Why did I miss the indicators in that deal that went south? Why are our government leaders making the decisions they are making? (Why did scientists think they needed gain-of-function for that virus? Why did they let the withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan become so horribly unjust to American citizens and others we should have protected?) Why don’t Christians on the left understand Christians with a conservative perspective? Why don’t conservative Christians understand those on the left more? (I know there are Christians who think this way.) Why am I so angry? Why did my parents do that to me? Why didn’t they do better in developing me? Why is my neighbor so difficult? Why aren’t my kids better behaved? Why…why…why!!!!!!!

I have a lot of why’s, and sometimes the longer they go unanswered, the more frustrated and angry I can become. So this Proverb today helped me take a positive step forward. There is a footnote in my Bible at Proverbs 25:2 that told me to go to Deuteronomy 29:29, and it turns out it’s a major teaching point that precedes this Proverb historically and gives great perspective:

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things
revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.”

The Divine reality is that: God is infinite and we are finite. God is holy and righteous in all of His character, infinitely so. So…

There are answers to life’s riddles and problems and there are realities that God in His infinite wisdom keeps secret…that is His prerogative. “The secret things belong to God…” and thus, from our Proverb for today it must be true that:

“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter….”

It’s better for me today as I start my day to read God’s Word and seek to think His thoughts after Him, and realize He doesn’t owe me an explanation for everything. He redeemed me; I didn’t redeem Him. He doesn’t work for me; I work for Him. He leads me; I don’t lead Him. I can’t demand anything from the King. The King can demand everything from me.

Now just like all of us, human leaders always try to figure out the WHY of life’s issues:
“…But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”

When a human leader figures out one of life’s great problems or mysteries, they get the praise and respect of their followers.

Not being cynical however, but being a long-time observer of the human scene, I have learned that human leaders often over-promise and under-deliver. Human solutions are often extremely imperfect and my trust in a human leader in one moment often becomes broken in a later moment, when more facts surface.

Better for me/us to focus on what God actually makes clear…it’s a more logical way to live:

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things
revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.”
Deuteronomy 29:29

Turns out one verse of Proverbs is linked to the entire Old Testament and the character of God. Amazing!

Father, forgive me for demanding that You answer to me. I recognize that You are infinite and glorious and as I enter this new day, I give You glory for what You conceal. You have a reason for concealing what You hide. I trust that You are perfect and are not holding out on me to hurt me. Lord Jesus, You came to redeem me and lead me every day, so I trust Your love and power and goodness and step out armed with faith in You. Oh, and forgive me for over-trusting people. I do that all the time. So by Your power today, and by Your work Holy Spirit, help me keep Your Word and Truth central in my thinking. I intentionally give my “Why’s?” to you, and ask that You give me insight and understanding only to what will give You honor in my life! Amen!”

Pete Alwinson