From The Dawghouse | Men on Purpose




We know God has a purpose for us.

But what is it? How do we walk in God’s purpose for us?

I’m reminded of the passage in Acts 13:

“Now in the church that was at Antioch, there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod, the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away. So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit…”

This passage of Scripture is both intriguing and challenging. It connects us with one of the 5 Marks of Manhood of Forge Men—PURPOSE!

We are to be men of purpose, but that doesn’t happen unless we are men on purpose. Now, before we get too far ahead into the implication and application for this event, don’t allow the terms “prophets” and “teachers” to throw you off.

Let’s focus on the fact that the Holy Spirit spoke and what He spoke on! This account is a high moment of spiritual clarity for the church at Antioch, particularly for Paul and Barnabas.

Notice a couple of things. They were “ministering to the Lord” as they were fasting—this indicates they were separating themselves to seek the Lord in a sacrificial way. Apparently, God was pleased with this form of surrender service. To the degree that the Holy Spirit speaks—catch that, God the Spirit is noted as speaking personally.

Since other places in Scripture, in Acts specifically, indicate God speaking through someone, we have no reason to assert this wasn’t God speaking directly.

Lastly, what the Holy Spirit spoke was purpose! He identified two men and the purpose He had for them. Then we see them sent out BY the Holy Spirit!

Men, this may seem surreal and unattainable, but as I have shared before, God has NOT changed!

He still speaks (note: the first place we should turn to hear God’s voice is God’s word). He still has purpose for us. The question is, what is that purpose, and will we seek it in surrender? I think this is an essential line of questioning for us if we desire to be men on purpose. Just as those in Antioch were described as being surrendered before they were sent, I submit, so MUST we!

Where do you see God calling or leading you?

Are you going to obey?

Are you listening for the Lord to speak direction and purpose into your life?

Join me in praying this prayer?

Father, I come as your son, desiring to walk in your purpose for my life. Holy Spirit, help me to live surrendered. Lead me into times of separation, times of prayer, and times of fasting in which I can be so attuned to your voice that there is no question that you have spoken! Help me to be a man on purpose, in Jesus’ strong name, Amen!

-Bishop Jayson Quiñones