From The Dawghouse | Maybe I’ll Get Lucky




So my friend was considering a job change and, we’ll, it’s complicated. It’s always complicated. He said something in a text like…

“Maybe I’ll get lucky and…”

I hit a crossroads many, many years ago, with that word “luck”. I studied it. Looked for it in the Bible (it’s not there). Tried to square “luck” with the reality that God is large and in charge.

My conclusions: Luck is a human idea that has absolutely no substance. Luck does not exist. It is not a thing, a force, a power or a personality. It is nothing. Ok, I admire my friend who used the word, but hear me: “Luck” is a word for unbelievers and fools, not growing Christian men.

Get it out of your vocabulary.
In my DAWG today I was reminded that when it comes to luck, I’m right!

Proverbs 3:5-8
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
7 Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
8 It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.

We don’t always know all of the forces that are at work into what happens in our life but Biblically, from Genesis to Revelation, we are assured that if there is any good, God brings it.
So as I head out there today, I’m taking the words above to heart and repeating them often. It will keep me from fear, from thinking that all of life depends on me, or on the whims of others, or fate, or some other humanly devised philosophical system. These great words from Proverbs will give me wisdom and skill that will keep me from stupidity.

You too.

Because it’s God not luck that makes our life powerful and successful and great as God defines greatness, we go to Him in prayer.

God is the only One who can take crooked lives and get ‘em straight!

So have a great day. Happy Providence!

You take it to heart,
Pete Alwinson