At Forge today, Pastor Pete talked about the importance of assembling a fire-team in our lives – friends you can count on to be there no matter what the circumstances. For many of us, a topic we’d rather put to the side rather than confront head on.

Truth be told, men tend to hide or deny their feelings because they think they are unmanly. They are unable to be in touch with their feelings because they think they must express everything objectively, without any feeling. Sadly, this is a sign that their spiritual lives are poverty-stricken. They cannot mirror, cannot radiate the tenderness of God because perhaps they have not experienced it themselves.

Throughout history, long before the marines, God has been looking for a few good men:

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16: 9).

”I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap” (Ezekiel 22:30).

Don’t you long to be such a man?  The Dad, Grandfather, the friend who stands in the gap for the family of God? I know I do…

Noah’s, to whom God trusted with His mighty plans; Abraham’s, who are willing to leave home and homeland to follow God’s call; Joseph’s, who would rather endure prison than violate one of Gods commands; Moses’s, who are willing to stand as Gods mouthpiece against the most powerful leaders in all the world; Daniel’s, who would rather face a lions’ den than compromise his faith; Men of Forge, who are willing to pour into lives, to be part of fire-teams who nurture each other with sound thought and correction when needed.

No matter how difficult life becomes, we belong in families, which by the way includes those few close friends who make up your fire-team. There may be times when we let down those we love and fail people who care the most, but through it all we discover a group of people who make us feel that we belong, and who say, “What happens to you matters to me.”

Despite the pain, frustration and embarrassment, the unavoidable world of life in the family is still God’s gift. The caring, nurture and confidence that comes from being seen at our worst and still knowing that we belong is His gift to us. It is the place where we can love one another over the long haul. It is a place where we see His power and grace demonstrated repeatedly.

Family, and close friends is the key to the redeemed man who, because the past hurts have been exposed to the Light and healed, no longer needs to retreat into his fortress, but stands there naked, vulnerable, ready to risk being wounded again. His fear is gone.

Join a fire-team, or form one yourself. Be bold in the faith. Let’s model to each other the importance of:

  • Knowing and obeying Jesus Christ
  • Knowing and displaying godly character
  • Knowing and loving our wives
  • Knowing and loving our children
  • Knowing our gifts and abilities, so we can work hard and effectively in an area of strength, rather than weakness, and contribute effectively to the lives of others…

And have a little fun at the same time.


Joe Bouch

Forge Winter Springs