Excellent vs Mediocre



Excellent vs Mediocre.

That’s what I was thinking about in my DAWG the other day based on this passage I was meditating on-(meditating: think of a dog working & gnawing on a substantially large bone)-

Philippians 1:9-11  (NASB)

And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; 11 having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

“Approve the things that are excellent.”

Excellent vs Mediocre.

Some self talk started up right away: “What do I approve of that is mediocre, and even bad?” “Why do I approve of it/them/these things?” “And what defines what is excellent and mediocre anyway?” “How are my mediocre choices affecting me spiritually, as well as my family, friends and the guys at FORGE?” “Is excellent related to greatness as God defines greatness?”

My mind felt like a tabula rasa, a blank slate. Ya, I don’t have a lot of answers for you yet. But what I do have is a starting point that is going to shape my DAWGS for the next couple of weeks.

I decided to meditate on these 3 verses every day for awhile and see what the Spirit lays on my heart. That’s why I do DAWGS, to gain truth, but sometimes the Father gives me questions to work on rather than direct applications for that day. He likes to talk to His sons quite often, every day in fact. He’s ok with me going out into a new day thinking, and questioning and coming back to Him in prayer with any progress or questions in my thinking I’ve made.

Like: “Well, Father what do you think about this…these are some things that might be mediocre that I’m approving.”

And sometimes He gives me a mental picture that is crystal clear: “My son, here’s what this text is saying to you right now.”   “Oh, wow…ok. I’m gonna need some help on this.”

It’s not all bad! He also cheers me on with the excellencies I’m choosing over the irrelevancies.

Because of Jesus, I’m His son and that will never change. Growth, my spiritual change on the other hand…well that takes some time and I look forward to that.

But I’m not paranoid that I have to be better today-right now! The Father isn’t angry at me and He enjoys the process of seeing me finally grasp what He’s whispering through His Word to me. Sometimes it’s taken years for me to see what He’s been leading me toward.

That process starts in the DAWGHOUSE…and stays with me all day.

That’s true for you too.

So what are you approving? Excellent or mediocre?

In process with you!
Pete Alwinson