End Times




 The FORGE Truth Podcast was taped live recently at our FORGE men’s group – with Pastors Pete Alwinson and Jayson Quiñones.

The subject: The End Times.

Deeply interesting, and many differing points of view on what it all means. Great session.

It would be difficult for someone like me to even try and summarize the key points of the discussion. I mean, these are two really smart, theological dudes, so you just might want to go here https://youtu.be/Bif6ZmvuZyQ and listen to it for yourself.

For me, there was one bottom line, which is, in the end, God will always be victorious.

Satan may rampage through the world and through the souls of people, with God’s inscrutable permission, and cause indescribable disaster and anguish. When he is finished however, and arrogantly boasts to God, “Look what I’ve done,” God will silence him with His majestic, “And now look what I can do.” Then Satan will shamefully slink into the corners of hell while God goes about his work of redemption and restoration.

There is a lot going on in the book of Revelation, but for sure, there is a message of hope. Hope for a bright tomorrow, when all who trust in Jesus Christ as Savior will move beyond pain and grief forever because we shall be forever with the Lord. And it is not just some pipe dream, some opium to stupefy and mislead hurting people. It is real, because Christ is real, because in our past there is a blood-stained cross on which the Prince of Glory died. Because of that bloody, pain-filled past we have hope when all things are made new and death shall be no more, nor grief, nor crying.

In cemeteries around the world, there are markers that bear three lines: the name of the deceased, the years they lived, and the words “At Home with Jesus.”

Of the three, the last line is the only one that really matters.

The last line sums up a glorious, endless future, an amazing adventure for every believer in Jesus Christ. And even if we remember our life on earth, you can be assured that the pure joy of being with the one who made us has wiped away any recollection of pain.

Remember to listen to, and share, this great discussion – https://youtu.be/Bif6ZmvuZyQ.

-Joe Bouch