Forge Brothers!

Those are the two words that have stuck with me all morning as my eyes focused on the election results from last night. I know it’s been a while since I addressed you in this forum and I can’t tell you how much I admire Joe Bouch’s posts in this key blog! But I simply had to connect with you today after the election results of November 5.

This is what I read early Tuesday morning:

The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains,

The world, and those who dwell in it.

2 For He has founded it upon the seas

And established it upon the rivers.

Psalm 24:1-2

Our God, the only God, is ruler over heaven and earth. Truly the earth belongs to Him and everything in it. We could multiply literally dozens of verses in the Bible which substantiate this view that God is sovereign over kings and rulers and presidents and nations. As Ephesians 1:11 says, God “works all things after the counsel of His will”. And whatever He touches flourishes.

So this election reveals that though there has been a continual movement in our country away from His Word and His will for nations, last night we can see that though America is still greatly divided, He has raised up some leaders to chart courses and enact new policies which will enable us to pull back from the edge of the cliff, and hopefully become a more moral force for good for the world and, significantly, for us as God’s people seeking to advance the Kingdom of God.

Personally, I do feel the joy of eventual relief from the left leaning rhetoric and policies of this current administration but even more than that I feel a steady and even more focused energy that there is great opportunity in front of us as FORGE to accelerate our ministry to men. In addition, I feel great personal responsibility to influence hearts and minds with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Greater Orlando area.

Opportunity & responsibility.

✓ Young men are returning to the church at the same time as young women in record numbers are leaving the church. Let’s build these young men into real men and the young women will come looking in the church for great husbands.

✓ It was young black, Hispanic and white men who voted for the incoming administration in significant numbers to put 47 over the top. Young men are seeking more in life, and they need what we have to offer! Jesus Christ and new life and redeemed manhood in Him!

✓  We need to reach those young men who are returning to the church, bring them to FORGE, develop them as great men as God defines greatness.

✓  We need to go after and be open to young Hispanic, black, while, Asian…all young men and invite them to FORGE and our church.

Would you join me in feeling the weight of the opportunity and responsibility that is before us to reach men in the Greater Orlando area? God is giving us the green light and saying, “Get going! The fields are ripe unto harvest!”

Invite, invite, invite them!
Pray for a manly and warm boldness to invite and spend time with younger men.

We should leave no man left behind on the battlefield of life! They are wounded and looking for rescue.

I’m with you in this mission…literally I’m in this with you until death!

Strength and Courage my friends. I love you more than you know and believe that God has called us to make Orlando a man city for the glory of God.

By His grace, then men, women, children, churches and our culture will be better!

You take it to heart!

Pete Alwinson