Defending the Christian Faith



Defending the Christian Faith

We are living in crazy times, aren’t we? A time when Christians not only face unprecedented challenges, but a time when the need for believers who staunchly defend the faith is greater than ever.  Across the globe, Christians are under attack, and the very concept of truth is being questioned and discarded.

As Gospel people, it is imperative that the men of Forge, and believers worldwide, uphold the integrity of our witness. Now, more than any other time in history, our testimony to the Gospel must remain clear and uncompromising, no matter what the pressures might be.

Within our churches, a not-so-subtle erosion of Gospel truth is occurring.

The foundational doctrine of justification by faith is being overshadowed by messages of prosperity and self-fulfillment. The essence of salvation from sin and judgment is being diluted or altogether ignored. The wakeup call is upon us, and today, we must recognize and combat these distortions, returning to the simplicity of Christ’s sacrifice for sinners.

The exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation is under attack. In a culture that values tolerance above truth, the notion of one exclusive path to God is deemed unacceptable. Yet, the Bible unequivocally declares Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Men, our fidelity to this truth is non-negotiable.

Various compromises, from universalism to pluralism, seek to undermine the exclusive claims of Christianity. However, the Word of God stands firm against such attempts to dilute the Gospel message. Our Christian integrity hinges on the truth that salvation is found solely through faith in Christ.

Unfortunately, in today’s culture of relativism and emotionalism, the pursuit of truth has taken a backseat to personal sentiment. Feel-good preaching devoid of sin and truth has become prevalent, contributing to a lack of doctrinal clarity among believers.

We are at a crossroads, where theological courage and conviction are paramount. As Charles Spurgeon warned, the decisions we make today will reverberate through future generations.

Let us stand firm in our faith, unwavering in our commitment to the truth of the Gospel. Only then can we ensure that Christianity transcends this present age and continues to impact generations to come.

To the Kingdom

Joe Bouch

FORGE Winter Springs