Building Up Our Brothers At Forge



Building Up Our Brothers At Forge

At Forge, Pastor Pete talks a lot about FIRE TEAMS as a focal point to our “brotherhood” journey. Why? Because in a world that often pulls us in different directions, staying steadfast in faith can be challenging. In other words, as Christian’s, the men of Forge have a responsibility not only to nurture our own relationship with God but also to support and uplift our brothers in faith. Whether it’s through prayer, mentorship, or simply being a listening ear, there are many ways we can strengthen one another on our spiritual journeys. Below are some practical tips on how the men of Forge can lift their brothers up in the faith, individually and as a Fire Team.


If you don’t already know this, prayer is a powerful tool in the life of a believer. Take time regularly to pray for your brothers in faith – either the men who regularly sit at your table at Forge, the Fire Team you’ve established, or both. Pray for their spiritual growth, strength in times of trial, and wisdom to discern God’s will. If you can, pray by their name. Also, let them know that you are lifting them up in prayer, as it can be incredibly encouraging to know that someone is interceding on their behalf.

Be a Mentor

If you have been walking with the Lord for some time, consider mentoring younger or less experienced believers (there is a blog on mentoring in the Forge archives) – but truth be told, no matter the age, we can all use mentors. Share your own experiences, struggles, and victories in faith. Offer guidance and support as they navigate their own spiritual journey. Being a mentor doesn’t mean you have all the answers, but it means you are willing to walk alongside someone and point them towards Christ.

Lead by Example

Live out your faith authentically in front of your brothers in Christ. Let your actions reflect the love and character of Jesus. Be honest, compassionate, and humble in all that you do. Your example can be a powerful testimony to others and can inspire them to deepen their own relationship with God.

Encourage Them

Everyone needs encouragement from time to time. Take the opportunity to speak life into your brothers by affirming their strengths, acknowledging their efforts, and reminding them of God’s promises. Send them a text, give them a call, or meet up for coffee or breakfast to let them know that you appreciate and believe in them – this is the pure essence of Fire Teams at Forge.

Study and Discuss Scripture Together

Dive into God’s Word with your brothers in faith. If you can, meet up regularly to read and discuss Scripture together, as a Fire Team. Iron sharpens iron, and studying the

Word in community can lead to deeper understanding and spiritual growth for everyone involved.

Be a Listening Ear

Sometimes, all someone needs is someone to listen to them. Be willing to lend a sympathetic ear to your brothers in faith. Allow them to share their struggles, doubts, and joys without fear of judgment. Offer empathy, understanding, and support as they navigate life’s ups and downs.

Celebrate Milestones and Victories

Celebrate with your brothers when they experience spiritual victories or reach significant milestones in their faith journey. Whether it’s baptism, overcoming a long- standing struggle, or simply growing closer to God, take the time to rejoice with them and acknowledge God’s work in their lives. As a whole, men don’t celebrate life, God, enough.

Hold Each Other Accountable

Accountability is essential for every Fire Team, and of course your Christian walk. Challenge your brothers in faith to live holy and righteous lives. Lovingly confront them when they stray from God’s path and encourage them to repent and turn back to Him. Likewise, allow yourself to be held accountable by others.

Don’t underestimate the power of putting together your own FIRE TEAM at Forge – or join one.

Lifting our brothers up in the faith is not only a privilege but also a vital aspect of our Christian walk. By praying for them, being mentors, leading by example, encouraging them, studying Scripture together, being a listening ear, celebrating victories, and holding each other accountable, we can help one another grow closer to God and become the men He has called us to be.

Let’s commit to building each other up in faith and spurring one another on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25).

To the Kingdom!

Joe Bouch
FORGE Winter Springs