Are You Attending the Right Church?




Have you ever asked yourself if you are attending the right church?

Are you in the place that God wants you to be or are you in the place that you want to be? Are you looking for a church and not sure which one is right for you? Or are you already in a church and wondering if this is the place for you?

Going to church is very important in our walk with the Lord, which is why we need to make sure we are in the place that He has called us to be. Perhaps you’ve never looked at it this way, but feast on the fact that God has assigned each of us a church, not only to receive blessings but to be a blessing as well. A family church that will be with you in the good times and in bad times.

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.  Hebrews 10: 24-25

So, how indeed do you know you’re attending to the right church, or for that matter, that you are choosing the right church in the first place?

I was asked this question recently and it made me really stop and think about my wife and I, and how we have selected churches over the years. Frankly it’s a daunting task, particularly if you leave God out of the equation. Sounds silly doesn’t it, looking for a church without putting your Lord and Savior at the center of the process. Don’t laugh, it happens more than you might think.

Getting up in years, I have been part of many churches, and in doing so, have determined there are key components associated with knowing you are in the right place – or have found the right place. I of course doubt the list below is exhaustive, but I pray that it is a good start.

First, BE LED BY THE SPIRIT: God knows what we need. He knows everything about us. If you don’t feel like you are in the right place, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. He is our helper, and He is always talking to us. Be obedient to His leading because obedience brings blessing. He will never lead you to a place that will hurt you. True, you may have challenges given there is not a perfect church out there. But trust that the Holy Spirit will take you to a place that will mature you and help you grow.

Second, MAKE SURE THE UNCOMPROMISED WORD OF GOD IS BEING PREACHED: There is so much weird stuff being preached in churches right now that we really need to be careful here. The whole Bible needs to be preached without taking from or adding anything to it. It doesn’t matter who gets offended, whose feelings get hurt, or who doesn’t agree with it.

We are not in this world to make people feel good. We are here to point people to Jesus. Only Jesus and His word will save the lost. And the only way you can truly know if what is being preached is biblical, is to dive deeply into the Bible yourself. Study. Get a revelation of His word in order that you can more easily recognize false teaching. Plus, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit because He will let you know about false teachers and teachings.

Third, ARE YOU GROWING SPIRITUALLY: Now, don’t get me wrong. You are the one in charge of growing yourself spiritually. This is not the church’s job. Paul told Timothy to stir up the fire that was within him. We need to stir up the fire within us and mature in Christ. Nobody can do that for us.

But your church should be equipping you for growth so you can become more like Jesus by feeding you spiritual food which is the word of God, through prayer, fellowship, wisdom, and instruction. If you are stuck spiritually and not growing, first check yourself and then ask yourself if your church is helping you to be more like Christ.

Fourth, IS THE CHURCH MAKING DISCIPLES: “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age’” Matthew 28:18-20 This should be every church’s purpose since this is what Jesus wanted all of us to do.

Fifth, IS THE WORD OF GOD BEING TAUGHT IN THE CHILDREN’S & YOUTH MINISTRY: This is of huge importance if you have kids, or grandkids. You don’t need a babysitter to watch your kids. You need anointed teachers that will teach the word of God to your kids. Kid’s days are full of worldly things. It is very important that we sit down with our kids and teach them the word of God. Having the support of the church by teaching them the Bible helps to counterbalance worldly influences, avoid sin, and most important accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.

Sixth, ARE YOU BEING LED BY EMOTIONS: This is a big one. What excites you about going to your church, or the church you are about to choose? Is it to stop for a coffee and hang out with your friends? Is it to see how the praise and worship team is going to rock the house today? Is it the amazing message that your cool hip pastor is going to give?

Or is it the encounter with God that you are going to have?

God needs to be first. Everything needs to be about Him. From the children’s ministry to the prayer, the worship, the sermon, everything needs to be about Him. Everything needs to be about your relationship with Him.

If Jesus is not being glorified at your church, maybe it’s the right time to look for another church.

That’s it, at least from my perspective.

If you are not in the right church, pray and ask God to take you to the place where you and your family belong. You are not looking for perfection. Rather, you are looking for the church that God has for you.

You are never going to find a perfect church; the grass is not always greener on the other side.

If, however, you are in the place that God called you to be, work hard at being faithful to your pastors and your church family. Faithfulness is greatly rewarded!

Joe Bouch
FORGE, Winter Springs