A Work in Progress



A Work in Progress

I am quite certain that when I have completed what God put me here to do, He will take me home, but not until then!

When I was eight years old, we attended a church for less than one year called Central Christian Church, and that church was in Fort Worth, TX. I was in a Sunday school class, and I was moved to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I went on to be baptized at that church.

I got the full-blown dunking in front of the entire congregation. I do believe that I knew what I was doing, and I do believe that I believed who Jesus was as well as I could at eight years old. Then our family stopped going to church for some reason and I never thought about Jesus again much until one night when I was thirty-eight years old and on my last breath of life.

When our family stopped going to church, I lost all contact at that age with any teachings of Jesus Christ. I wondered in the wilderness for thirty years before I found myself face-to-face with Jesus again, only this time, I challenged Him and He listened, and He took me into His arms and loved me more than I thought was possible to love. Where did He go for those thirty years or so? No, the question is, where did I go for thirty years or so. I wondered away and was found again in His perfect timing. Now these last thirty-five years or so have not been easy and I have in no way been a perfect Christian.  I have stumbled, just about every day, in my walk with Him ad fall so short of who I do believe He is trying to make me to be, but I do know He is with me, and I do know that, but I Am A Work In Progress!

I was so blessed to be with both of our children the day they accepted Jesus into their hearts, and our family did not abandon the church and still have not to this day. Our family, by the Holy Grace of God, is still walking our way to Heaven, with Jesus right by our side. Our family has prayed together, shared together, and sinned together and seen the power of Jesus Christ working in and through each of us. No matter where you are in your walk with Him, He will always be by your side along the way to pick you up when you fall down. Walking daily with Jesus is not an easy walk, but it does have Eternal rewards and your life will be more fulfilling. If you are not walking with Jesus today, then search your heart and ask God to change it. No matter where you are today in your walk together or alone in your Spiritual journey with Christ, He is the Only way!

Lord Jesus, our daily walk is not easy without You, but so much better with You. Help us all to lean on You so You can lean back! Amen

This prayer is here for those who need to ask Jesus to be the Master of their life. If you are prompted by The Holy Spirit, make your move!

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I need you. I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died on the Cross for ALL of my sins in the past, ALL of my sins that I commit today, and ALL of my sins that I will commit. Please forgive me and accept me into your Kingdom. I want to be born again, new with you, the master of my life and heart. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing and accepting my prayer…Amen. Alleluia!

If you just prayed that prayer, then welcome to the family!

-Scott McCurdy

FORGE, Winter Springs