“In Him, All Things Hold Together”


From the DAWGHouse…

In Him, All Things Hold Together

In Colossians 1:17, the Apostle Paul writes, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” As Zach Swee shared with us at Forge, this statement, though brief, carries profound theological weight. It tells us not only about Christ’s preeminence over all creation but also about His ongoing, sustaining power.

Paul’s words remind us that Jesus is not just the Creator; He is the Sustainer. The universe does not continue by chance or by some impersonal force of nature—it holds together because Christ holds it together. Every atom, every law of physics, every breath we take is dependent on His sustaining power.

Scientists marvel at the fine-tuned precision of the universe. If gravity were slightly weaker or stronger, if the Earth’s tilt were just a bit different, life as we know it would be impossible. Yet Scripture tells us there is no “cosmic accident”—it is Christ Himself who upholds the order and balance of creation.

Beyond the physical universe however, Christ also holds our personal lives together. Yes, we experience seasons of chaos—job loss, illness, broken relationships, doubts—but in Him, we find the glue that keeps us from unraveling.

When life feels like it’s falling apart, it’s easy to wonder where God is. Yet Paul’s words remind us: He is not distant; He is holding all things, even the things we do not understand. Romans 8:28 reassures us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.” Even in suffering, Christ is working, sustaining, and weaving together a story far greater than we can see.

Christ not only sustains the world and our individual lives, but He also holds together His Church. The body of Christ is made up of people from every nation, language, and background, yet it is united by one thing: Jesus. He is the head of the Church (Colossians 1:18), the One who keeps it from fracturing beyond repair. While denominations and opinions may divide us, our unity is in Christ. When we fix our eyes on Him, we remember that He is the one holding His Church together, not us.

If Jesus truly holds all things together, we can rest. We do not have to grasp for control or live in constant anxiety. The One who holds the stars in place also holds our lives, our futures, and our salvation.

So, when we feel overwhelmed, when the world seems chaotic, we can hold fast to this truth: In Him, all things hold together. And that means, no matter what comes, we are secure in Him.

To Freedom. To the King.

Joe Bouch