Jesus: Crazy, Liar, or God Incarnate?


From the DAWGHouse…

Jesus: Crazy, Liar, or God Incarnate?

Few figures in history have prompted as much reflection and debate as Jesus of Nazareth. As Pastor Pete shared with us, His teachings, miracles, and claims leave no room for neutrality. Among the most profound assessments of Jesus is the “trilemma” famously articulated by C.S. Lewis: Jesus was either a lunatic, a liar, or truly God incarnate. For believers, the conclusion is clear: Jesus is God. But why do we land there?

Let’s start with Jesus making claims no ordinary teacher or prophet would dare…

He declared, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30) and accepted worship as God (Matthew 14:33). He forgave sins (Mark 2:5-7)—a divine prerogative—and spoke with authority, not as one quoting Scripture but as its author (Matthew 7:28-29). Such assertions leave no middle ground; Jesus either spoke the truth, was deluded, or intentionally deceived others.

Was Jesus crazy?

A lunatic would lack coherence, wisdom, and the ability to inspire enduring transformation. Yet Jesus demonstrated profound clarity of thought, moral insight, and self-control. His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) remains a pinnacle of ethical teaching, and His interactions with people showcased unparalleled compassion and discernment. His life does not align with the irrationality of a madman.

Was Jesus a Liar?

Could Jesus have intentionally deceived people? If so, He would have done so at unimaginable personal cost. Jesus endured mockery, torture, and a brutal crucifixion, never once recanting His claims. A liar seeks personal gain, yet Jesus sought no earthly reward. His teachings consistently upheld truth, love, and sacrifice—values inconsistent with a deceptive character.

Believers conclude that Jesus is God incarnate because the evidence compels it:

  • Jesus fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies, such as being born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), dying as a sacrifice for sins (Isaiah 53), and rising from the dead (Psalm 16:10). These fulfillments were beyond human orchestration.
  • Jesus performed miracles with purpose and compassion—healing the sick, calming storms, and raising the dead. These acts, witnessed by many, validated His authority and divinity (John 20:30-31).
  • The resurrection is the cornerstone of Christian belief. The empty tomb, the transformation of fearful disciples into bold witnesses, and the spread of Christianity despite persecution point to its truth. As Paul wrote, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile” (1 Corinthians 15:17).
  • Jesus’ influence on history is unparalleled. No other figure has shaped civilizations, inspired movements, or changed lives on such a scale. Billions have experienced His transforming power, affirming His presence as Lord and Savior.

If Jesus is God incarnate, His claims demand a response. He calls us to believe in Him, receive His grace, and follow Him. As Lewis poignantly put it, “You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon, or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God.”

Believers choose the latter because they see in Jesus not only the fulfillment of Scripture but the embodiment of truth, love, and redemption. For them, He is not crazy or a liar—He is the living God, worthy of all worship and trust.

So, who do you say Jesus is? The answer to that question changes everything.

To the King, who sets us FREE!

Joe Bouch