If a non-believer approached you and said, how do you know definitively that there is only one God and He is Jesus Christ, how would you answer? Isn’t that the ultimate rub for non-believers – how do you know for sure? Isn’t that the holy grail question?

Considering my advancing years, I have been asked that question more times than I can count, including from family members. After all, don’t we all want to be certain in what we believe? Sadly, there is nothing I, or any Christian for that matter, can definitively say that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus Christ is the one and only God – the one who created it all.

And that’s OK.

You see, I have come to realize that most who ask the question, aren’t looking for a relationship with Jesus. No, they are looking to tear down your belief, your faith. It’s a gotcha question.

Don’t play the game.

Of course, you should engage in conversation if the Holy Spirit is leading you to do so, but you don’t have to prove anything. Just let the unbeliever know why you believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and that the only way to heaven is through Him.  Aside from that, rest assured that Jesus is big enough to take care of all doubters in the manner He chooses.

I am 100% confident in my belief that Jesus Christ is the one and only God and creator of the universe.


Let’s start with Biblical revelation. For Christians, the primary source of information about Jesus Christ comes from the Bible, which we consider to be the 100% inspired word of God. I mean can we talk? The Bible represents a collection of documents that were written over one and a half millennium, that are devoted to discussing the most controversial and emotionally charged topics man has ever known – including the virgin birth, life, and resurrection of Jesus Christ – and yet has a nature that would suggest it was written by one person – but it wasn’t.

Seriously, how can one not believe the Bible is God-Breathed when you consider that it consists of…

  • Sixty-six books
  • Written by about forty authors – from kings and nobles to fishermen and soldiers
  • In three languages
  • On three continents…

And yet, be of the same mind. That’s just not humanly possible. Taken together, the Bible presents a single, unified message of actions and attitudes by which man can live and is clearly the divine roadmap by which we can definitively discover that Jesus is the one and only God.

Knowing this, well, we can then believe the rest…

The Trinity, which teaches that God is one Being in three Persons: The Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Christian’s see this as a complex but coherent explanation of how God can be both one and three simultaneously. According to this belief, Jesus Christ is God incarnate, who took on human form to reveal Himself to humanity.

The miracles and resurrection. The New Testament records several miracles attributed to Jesus, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, and even His own resurrection after crucifixion. Christians see these events as evidence of Jesus’ divine nature and power over life and death.

The fulfillment of prophecies. Throughout the Old Testament, scripture points to prophecies that have been fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. One can confidently argue that these prophecies provide a strong evidence of Jesus’ divine identity.

Jesus’ impact on history and culture. It’s difficult to deny that Jesus Christ’s life and teachings have had an immense impact on everyone – believers and non-believers alike. Christianity is one of the world’s largest religions, and Jesus’ influence can be seen in art, literature, philosophy, and various aspects of Western civilization.

And last, know what we know, can we ignore the personal transformations that we hear and read about, and possibly have experienced ourselves? Many Christians claim to have experienced a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have undergone transformative experiences in their lives through faith in Him. They see this as evidence of His divine presence and power.

This, and more I’m certain, is at the heart of the true Christian doctrine of creation.

Just as God causes us to come to life in Christ through mercy, causing goodness in us precisely where we have carved holes of nothingness into our lives through sin, the doctrine of creation ex nihilo, out of nothing, means that every moment is an overwhelming display of the same kind of love – Jesus’ love.

Rejoice in your belief in Jesus because yes, He created you, and the universe, and soon, will come again in all His glory as the one and only God.

Joe Bouch

FORGE, Winter Springs