Parents, Kids, & Church




“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Hebrews 10:23-25

Alright men it’s time to have an attack of sanity here about going to church and taking our kids to church. Here’s some tough spiritual jerky to chew on:

✓ Truth: Church attendance is not an option. Well, not according to the verse of Biblical authority above, the consistent testimony of Christian leaders down through the ages, and Biblical logic.

The Universal Church consists of all Christians down through the ages who have professed faith in Jesus Christ. The Triumphant Church are all those Christians who have died and are triumphantly enjoying the presence of God right now in heaven. The Militant Church are all Christians living today who are fighting to advance the Gospel of our King Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20- THE only truly Great Commission). The Local Church is the church near you (and the nearer the better for full involvement) which you’re a member or regular attender of (which is really the same thing. Guys, if you regularly attend a local church, you are under their authority whether you think you are or not. You might as well make it formal and join. Ie, Commit.).

Men, you’ve seen the radical shifts of our culture. We’re the intellectual and spiritual minority, we Christians. We need to be with each other, studying God’s Word together and bringing our selves to worship of our Mighty and Glorious God, where, as Bishop Quinones said the other day at FORGE, “our flesh comes to die.” Church attendance is not an option. It fuels our faith and our mission. This is a big deal. Make no mistake about it. Big deal.

✓ If Church attendance is not an option for us as men and adults, it’s doubly crucial that we make sure our kids are there. Every Sunday. Most Sundays.

One time a key member of our church told me he and his wife were going to buy a condo at New Smyrna Beach. They were founding members of our church and key to what we were doing. I told him: “Well, you’ll be here less and less and your influence will become less and less.” I’m a prophet! It happened just like I said it would. Not really, I just am a student of human nature and am basically a rational person. Logic dictates that if you have a place at the beach and you live and work in Orlando and go to church in Orlando or a suburb, then on the weekend, you’ll take off. Duh. So what about your church? A lot of our spiritual manpower is laying out on the beach on Sunday working on tans and hot dogs when our churches need our influence back home.

✓ Want to change the culture? Sure you do. Here’s where you can start: You and your wife must agree that Sunday you’ll be in church. That church is not an option but a priority. Most Sundays.

Send the right message to your kids. Show them some spiritual backbone. Tell them they can meet with their friends and go hang out with their friends and go to the beach after church. At FORGE we talk about the first element of our PURPOSE as men: Leadership. Here’s where you can lead. Ask God for power and acceptance of your leadership. But whatever you do, lead your family in the right way.

Smile to your kids, but don’t back down. “Honey, I love you, but you know church and worship comes first. ‘As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.’ So, we’re going to church and maybe next Saturday we can go to the beach! (or whatever the competition for Sunday is!).

Ya, I’m not really trying to charm you guys, am I? Truth always trumps charm.

See you at FORGE for more uncharming talks! Strength and Courage, my friends.

Pete Alwinson