Smart Plans for a New Year



                                     SMART PLANS FOR A NEW YEAR 

Planning…setting goals…is just something that comes naturally to us men.   God does it and we’re made in His image, so we do it too.  About planning, catch these quick points:

If you’re God’s enemy, you make evil plans.  A wicked man can’t make godly plans.

Psalm 36:4

He plans wickedness on his bed;
He sets himself on a path that is not good;
He does not reject evil.

         If you’re God’s son, you get others of God’s sons who are wise to help you make good and godly plans yourself:

Proverbs 15:22

Without consultation, plans are frustrated,
But with many counselors they succeed.

If you really grasp how large and in charge God is, you know that His plans always succeed…always:

Proverbs 16:9

The mind of a person plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps.

Proverbs 19:21

Many plans are in a person’s heart,
But the advice of the Lord will stand.

How can we make good plans and set smart, Biblical goals for 2023? Steps we can take:

  1. Alignment: Start with the reality in the Proverbs above that God’s plans always succeed and that we need commitment and over all life alignment with His will. That’s always our top priority.  I John 5:14-15.
  2. Priorities: Think Great Commission:  Matthew 28:18-22.  We have been redeemed to glorify God as we further God’s administration on this planet of bringing more and more people into His forever family and under His kingdom reign.  Tell people often about Jesus and you’ll be in alignment with God’s plan.  Be a radical inviter of men to FORGE and to your church.
  3. Self: Evaluate your current growth in life: Matthew 10:24-25.  Where do You want me to become more like You Jesus?  Think character.  How can I grow in love and self-less-ness?
  4. Family: What does my wife need from me, and from God and in life for the year to come?  What do my kids need?  How can I become a better leader at home?
  5. Life Skills: What do I need to develop to further my job?  Advance and develop my ministry?  Pray for clarity on at least one life skill that you will develop in 2023.  What disciplines do I need to put into my life to accomplish God’s and my priorities?
  6. Desires: What personal desires do I have that I’d like to pursue like, play golf, learn a language, lose weight, gain muscle, read more books, finish a degree program, etc?  Don’t prioritize yourself as #1, but don’t forget your own desires either!

I like the idea of SMART goals…which are:

Specific…what exactly will I do?

Measurable…how can I measure if I’ve accomplished it?

Achievable…is this something actually within my grasp?

Relevant…does this make sense within the scope of my life and work?

Timebound…When will this be done?

Don’t make emotional resolutions, make smart, Biblical goals.  Take steps forward in 2023.  Follow the Spirit.  Read the Bible to get God’s leading and thinking patterns. Pray.  Listen.  Write goals down.  Review.  Review. Review.  Pray.  Gain confidence that the direction is from God.  Get counsel.  Review. Launch out. Review.  Get your Fire Team to pray for your goals.

         Father, lead us as Your men to set the goals and make the plans that you want in our lives and then we pray, work in and through us!  Help us accomplish plans that honor you, help people, and bring people closer in faith to our Lord Jesus Christ for all eternity!  Give us strength and courage for 2023, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

                   Happy New Year brothers!  It will be!  I’m pumped for how God is going to show His power and goodness and glory in 2023.

Strength AND Courage!

         Pete Alwinson

PS  Our first day back at FORGE is January 3, 2023.  Come and learn what our WORD  FOR THE YEAR IS!