Truth Defeats Trials




 Psalm 119:92-94

92 If your law had not been my delight,
    I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts,
    for by them you have given me life.
94 I am yours; save me,
    for I have sought your precepts.

Difficulty has many synonyms:

Affliction, distress, plague, hardship, trouble, trials, tribulation, torment, oppression, adversity, misfortune, ordeal, calamity, pain, anguish, misery, wretchedness, curse.

Because life is rich in brokenness our language is rich in words to try to explain the pain of being human.

Ultimately the Psalmist drops a macro-principle of power and success on us here:

Men who absolutely delight and dig deep into God’s truth (ie, the Bible…from cover to cover), gain an unparalleled and unexplainable ability to triumph over trials rather than to be pummeled by them.

Read that again.

I believe it with all my heart after following Jesus for over five decades.

Men who only dabble in God’s Word will not endure.  Those who delight in God’s Word will.

They will not only endure, they will triumph and find wisdom and power when they need it when the normal goodness around them collapses into chaos.

So we don’t “dabble” in God’s Word when we “discipline” ourselves to read it, think it through, study it with others and take the time to memorize it.

            Lord, today I recognize I’m often a dabble in Your Word and often I don’t delight in it or study it much.  Thank you that You love me and are building me everyday.  So I pray You would help me Holy Spirit to get understanding when I study Your Word so I’ll want to study it more!  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

            Pete Alwinson