From The Dawghouse | Warrior Eyes



Warrior Eyes

 I was at the Orange Country annual SWAT round up last Wednesday that I noticed them.

Warrior eyes.

Surrounded by hundreds of men carrying tactical gear, small arms, large arms and lugging all of that gear plus 150 pound dummy bodies and jumping over barriers, running and shooting I saw that these are the guys (ya, all men) who protect us.  And they all had warrior eyes.  Even as they were walking around not competing and looking at all the venders’ tables of all police gear police … warrior eyes.

You know, eyes that are searching and evaluating what is around them.  Serious eyes.  Eyes that have witnessed crime scenes, blood, car crashes, the injured, dying and dead. Wizened eyes. Eyes that have chased the bad guys, dodged bullets, watched in stoic non-emotion as they were lied to and lied about and criticized and defunded.  These are warriors who don’t merely know the academics of warfare, and armed combat, they know the physical exertion and exhausting physicality of conflict; the up close and personal rush of adrenaline when manhood must step up and act or others will be hurt.  Where personal accountability matters.  Where men matter.

There’s a scene in the movie 12 Strong where the Afghan general criticizes the American captain as not having killer eyes and then, after a series of battles, looking at the captain again and saying that now he has “killer eyes,” … warrior eyes.

I am thankful for those eyes.  Thankful for those warriors.  I want to have warrior eyes too.


Exodus 15:3 says:

“The Lord is a Warrior, the Lord is His name.”

And look at:

1 Peter 3:10-12

For “Whoever desires to love life
    and see good days,
let him keep his tongue from evil
    and his lips from speaking deceit;
let him turn away from evil and do good;
    let him seek peace and pursue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
    and his ears are open to their prayer.
But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

As you hit the bricks today, recognize that your God is a Mighty Warrior; always has been and always will be. He has fought for you.  Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is God’s bare-knuckle brawl with evil, sin, death and hell, and He has won.  God’s eyes are wise eyes, knowing eyes, killer eyes, warrior’s eyes, and yes, for you, loving eyes that only a Father can have for a son.

Because of Jesus, He is not mad at you one bit.  He’s got great plans for you.

So go out there and live, really live!  Enjoy your status, enjoy your life.  But may your Father and Lord rub off on you…

May our eyes as His sons be knowing eyes, realistic eyes, searching eyes, eyes looking out for evil to avoid and people to protect.  Eyes that dance and dart with the joy of living sacrificially for the good of others.  Eyes not caught up in the silliness of superficiality and lies of what comprises so much of America today.

We are sons, leaders, workers AND warriors.

Fight with me for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom.  Only it will last.

You take it to heart,

            Pete Alwinson