From The Dawghouse | How NOT to get cynical



How NOT to get cynical

Shell-shock (WWI).  Soldier’s Heart, Combat fatigue (WWII), War neurosis. Combat Stress Reaction, or PTSD (today).

Many of us Christians have PTSD from being bombed by the media with disturbing (to say the least) cultural views that changes day in and day out, 24-7-365, in almost every media available. When you can’t get away from it, PTSD results. Relentless bombing affects your mind, nervous system, and wipes away the possibility of peace and leads to hopelessness and cynicism.

Ever feel that way?

I do.

The barrage of incoming insanities that assaults the soul of a true Believer and Christian has been around since just after The Fall (Genesis 3) and certainly was at full throttle when the Church got started.   It’s going gangbusters today.

Look at what Paul says about it … note:  Since Jesus came, we are in the “end times/last days”  (for proof go to Acts 2:14-36 – but v17 is the key):

2 Timothy 3:1-5

“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”

Take a breath. Recognize that people have always been this way since Adam and Eve pulled the plug on God’s plan. The U.S. has been a unique place on the planet, but is now falling in step with the way every culture has gone in the past. Sin has gone to seed in the U.S. big time and it’s growing more pervasive in the way we act and treat each other.

Paul says: “Avoid such people.”  Well, Pastor Timothy had to try and do that and so do we. It’s a way to keep you from becoming a cynical, angry, and rather unpleasant man to be around.

Relational overload by evil people sucks the soul dry.

One way I’m avoiding these types of people is minimizing my exposure to media of all kinds, even social media, aka, my cell phone. We actually can limit the intake of explosive material that will rock our soul. I’m engaged in media just enough to know what’s going on and then spend time researching those issues that I need to in order to be an informed citizen.

What’s your screen time these days?  Mine was down 18% last week, and it needs to go down further.  A friend of mine from FORGE suggests we fast from social media … uh, I think he said for a month. !#$@%&*%$#@!

I know, I know.

But if you do that, you won’t lose your mind. You might get it back. You won’t lose your soul; you might find it.  Your head and your heart won’t pound.  You might even start caring about people again, especially those people running around at home.

Then, while fasting from social media, indulge yourself with a feast of Scripture and reading good Christian books. Most of us Believers today are undernourished on the Bible. It’s full of spiritual protein for us, but we just don’t power it down enough.

“Your word I have hid in my heart…”

“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you…”

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”

Which of us FORGE men will take the challenge to cool our jets by managing our exposure to culture bombs?

I’m in. You?

You take it to heart!

            Pete Alwinson