From The Dawghouse | How Good Government Happens



How good government happens…a brief lesson from Proverbs

When I read a chapter of Proverbs in my DAWG time, it sometimes feels like life:  disjointed and disconnected.  Do you ever feel that way?

A lot of times that’s exactly the way a chapter in Proverbs is: disjointed and disconnected but with a whole lot of good truths to learn!

But sometimes … sometimes … there will be a subject that the author weaves throughout a chapter and provides an unfolding and connecting theme … that happens in Proverbs 29 and I saw the connections today like never before.

For those of you who see bad government wreaking havoc in the U.S. today, here’s some hope.  If you’re ok with government today, just click out of this blog.

The first link on government is:

Proverbs 29:4 NASB

“The king gives stability to the land by justice,
But a person who takes bribes ruins it.”

By and large, most people as citizens simply want stability in their lives. The world is broken enough and life is hard enough that they simply want to get up, go to work, provide for their family, have some fun, and live their lives. Most people simply want their leaders to use their power to provide stability.

How does a president or prime minister or king provide civil stability?

By implementing JUST policies and practices.

Godly justice, to be clear.

If you look up the words “social justice” in a dictionary you will see that this has become a technical phrase for the redistribution of wealth along the lines of a socialistic/communistic philosophy.  That’s not the justice the Bible teaches.

The Bible promotes God’s just actions and a leader who really wants to bring stability for all will be a man who is unapologetic about applying God’s justice to all.  When a leader follows God’s laws, he will do justice to everyone and bring success to his people (Joshua 1:7-9).  He will not favor one social class of people over another (Leviticus 19:15) while recognizing that there are some truly poor people who can’t help themselves (Deuteronomy 15:7) and so we should keep a soft heart toward them.

Presidents, Prime Ministers, and leaders bring stability to their countrymen by implementing policies which are just, that are in line with God’s revealed moral standards, and therefore glorify God and are always good for the people.  So a good government leader has to be a Bible reader too.

Oh … and … good leaders don’t take bribes, demand gifts from people who come to them for help, or as the footnote in the ESV Study Bible points out what could be the main meaning of this Proverb, good leaders don’t tax heavily. The road to governmental power over others is a long and expensive road, and when many attain to position, they expect to be paid back handsomely.

Proverbs says that that the way to ruin a country is for corrupt leaders to be primarily working for themselves, not the people.  Bribes, demanded gifts, and heavy taxes all bring ruin to a country.

Examples abound in recent history:  Check out Venezuela and Cuba … the leaders there are all wealthy while the people languish economically.  But look at our U.S. leaders.  One wonders how some of our presidents, senators, and legislators have such luxurious homes after their years of civil service.

We live in unstable times in the U.S. right now.  The institutions of our country are crumbling due to the foundations being destroyed intentionally by unjust leaders.

The second link:

Proverbs 29:12

 “If a ruler pays attention to falsehood,
All his ministers become wicked.”

If a president or governor or business executive “pays attention” to what is false, all his subordinates will fall in line and adopt and promote the false narrative.

Truth:  Subordinates inevitably descend to the debased moral level of their unjust leaders.   After all, workers pay, success, stability, and future is dependent on the good will of their boss.

Good leaders do not adhere to lies which often come packaged in very sophisticated philosophical language, but which are still lies.  Critical race theory is now implemented from the top down in the U.S. government, education, military, corporate headquarters, health services, social media, the press, and entertainment.  It is modified Marxism, which has never worked anywhere.  It will not work here.  It’s a system that lies to us, over-promising freedom and producing enslavement.

Justice flows downhill.  So does wickedness.  Which flows to …

Link #3:

Proverbs 29:16

 “When the wicked increase, wrongdoing increases;
But the righteous will see their downfall.”

Do you notice the cumulative unfolding of truth on the same subject throughout this Proverb?  Interesting huh?

Point:  When there is injustice at the top of the leadership food chain (v4) that injustice inevitably flows down to the leader’s staff (v12) who implement wicked and immoral policies which spreads immorality among the people.

Like Leaders, like people.

The essence of leadership is influence and evil leaders lead to evil citizenry.

Murder is up 30% in this country; people are seen running out of stores with their arms full of ripped off merchandise.  The police do nothing or can do nothing.

The is infuriating to say the least to people who love justice and godliness.

But don’t check out yet, instead check out the hope of this Proverb:

“But the righteous will see their downfall.”

Meditate … chew on that.

One more link.  #4

Proverbs 29:25-27

25 The fear of man brings a snare,
But one who trusts in the Lord will be protected.
26 Many seek the ruler’s favor,
But justice for mankind comes from the Lord.
27 An unjust person is an abomination to the righteous,
And one who is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked.

As a citizen living in a broken world under broken and often evil leaders, Proverbs winds up this line of thinking on good government with some pithy challenges:

  • V 25 – Never be afraid of people. That will always trap you.  Trust God for protection.
  • V 26 – Never “kiss up” to a human leader. Always seek ultimate justice from God.
  • V27 – People who follow God’s way will always feel strongly negative toward evil. The opposite is also true.  People who follow evil ways will always feel strongly negatively toward good.  Deal with it.

Prayer for today:   Father, as I start my workday and get ready to go out into our incredibly divided and unstable country where unrighteousness and injustice assaults my soul, I pray that You would help me believe with great confidence that You really are over all human government and that You will bring justice, in Your time.  Bring down evil ideology and evil leaders, I pray.  Raise up leaders who will be uncompromisingly committed to Biblical justice.  Help me to be Your man today in my sphere of influence, a godly man, who brings truth and justice and love into all of my interactions with people and transactions in business.  In this way may I do my small part until Jesus, You come back and clean up this mess!  In Your Name!  Amen!

Pete Alwinson