From The Dawghouse | DANCING in the DAWGHOUSE…



This week at FORGE, Pete began a series in Genesis, looking at the first two chapters…check it out at  In listening to the talk and fueled by the conversation around the table, I was really awestruck at all the great realities, richness, and depth about God, man, and creation found in just the first two chapters of the Bible.  I’ve heard it said that a way to think about the Bible is in relation to;

  • The Creation
  • The Fall
  • The Redemption
  • The Restoration

One of the men commented how powerful the talk was in highlighting God’s desire for humanity and how to often, we live more in the reality of the fall and redemption.  He went on to say how we need to live out the full story which is also that as sinners redeemed by the finished work of Jesus, we are being restored, being renewed back to God’s original design in creation.  Of course, only in Jesus’ return will this be fully accomplished!

During one of my DAWG times this week, I was thinking about what it looks like to live in light of being renewed.  I was reminded of an event a number of years ago when my wife Amy and I, with our kids, celebrated Amy’s birthday by going to a Chris Tomlin concert.  It was a great night but there was one significant song God used in my life that week.  I’m not one of those “Laugh out loud” people.  As a matter of fact, I keep my emotions pretty much deep inside me, probably because I’m wired that way.  But that week a particular song stirred me to get a little crazy, and it was really awesome.  You might say, “I am alive, I felt alive, I came alive.”

In the story of “The Lost Son,”  the father said…Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet, and bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and CELEBRATE!  For this my son was dead, and is ALIVE again; he was lost, and is found.


FORGE Men who have been made alive in Christ, these are the words God speaks to us every day!

King David seem to understand this…

You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever.
Psalm 30:11-12

David danced before the LORD with all his might.
2 Samuel 6:14

Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp. 
Psalm 149:3

Scotty Smith says…King Jesus is the real Lord of the Dance.
He turns the wails of our sin and brokenness into the dance of hope and joy.
By your cross, you’ve removed the filthy garments of our unrighteousness that we might be clothed with the white robe of your perfect righteousness!
2 Corinthians 5:17-21

He goes on to say…As we ponder the riches of grace and unconditional love we have in Jesus,
How can we not sing and make music to God in our hearts?
How can we possibly remain silent and still, in response to who Jesus is and everything He’s done for us?

The Holy Spirit Energizes Grace in our lives as FORGE Men, when we hear our Good, Good Father say…Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours!
Luke 15:31

Dancing with my FORGE brothers…Kelley

Do yourself a favor, and if not now, later when you have 10 uninterrupted minutes, view the Chris Tomlin video attached below.  But be careful, you might start dancing…ENJOY!!!

Chris Tomlin – God’s Great Dance Floor (Live Performance from Passion) – Music Videos