From The DAWGHOUSE | His Time His Way




His times…His way…

Over the last few months we have all felt the tension of the political realities we’ve experienced.  I have continually struggled with how to process and make sense of it.  While I have not fully accomplished this, I have found God faithful to remind me of a few timeless Truths in these times.  As I read a few prayers from Scotty Smith in my DAWG this week, God gave me clarity about one thing I definitely needed to do more of, PRAY for those who govern in this country.

Below is an edited version of Scotty’s prayers this week…

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God, that by doing right you silence the ignorance of foolish people. Act as free people, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bond-servants of God.
Honor all people
Love the brotherhood
Fear God
Honor the king.
1 Peter 2:13-17

Heavenly Father, no matter our country, generation, or politics, these verses are timely and transcendent. As those who belong to the Lord Jesus, these four commands are vital, and each one requires the Gospel.

Show proper respect to everyone…Only in relationship with Jesus is this possible. Everyone is an image-bearer of God—even the people we consider our enemies. To harbor hatred is to commit heart-murder.  To “nurse our grudges” is to suckle from a pool of poison. Help us, Father.

Love the family of believers…More than ever, we need our brothers and sisters in Christ. You call us to bear each other’s burdens; to provoke each other to love and good deeds; and to make the Gospel beautiful and believable to our cities. As Jesus’ church, we’re to be a grace-community of kindness, not a gated-community of self-righteousness. Help us, Father.

Fear God…Father, because of what you’ve done for us in Jesus, we’re not to live afraid of you. But we are to grow in our fear of you—our awe, wonder, and esteem of you. Only you are God. Only you are sovereign. Only you are worthy of our adoration, allegiance, and affection. Forgive us when we give these things to mere men. Help us, Father.

Honor the emperor…King Jesus, it is comforting to address you today as our sovereign and loving King.
We need the peace you alone can give, the grace we are going to need, and the hope to which you have called us.
In glad submission to you, we pray for the our past president and for our new president.
We praise you for what you accomplished through President Trump that matters most to you—for that is all that really matters. We pray your blessing on him and his family, in their transition.
Likewise, we pray for the beginning of President Biden’s term. We pray your blessing on him and his family as they transition into a roll of immeasurable responsibility, at a time of great uncertainty.

King Jesus, as in the last 4 years, so in the upcoming 4, help us trust your heart and hand more than we fear or revere any mere man. We know the “peaceful and quiet” life we crave will only be fully ours in the new heaven and new earth. But until then, make us more zealous than ever to live lives marked by “godliness and dignity”—not fear and conspiracy, rancor and raging.  Free us from under-believing the Gospel, and over-believing all the spin and sin swirling around us, and in us. The nations—all of them, are your province and inheritance. You haven’t called us to “take back” anything for you, but to “take in” the reach of your sovereignty and the riches of the Gospel. Humble and gentle us. Forgive and free us.

So very Amen we pray, in your great and gracious name.