From The DAWGHOUSE – Some people get you…some don’t…God does.



           Some people get you…some don’t…God does.

  “O Lord, You have searched me and known me….and are intimately acquainted with all my ways.”    Psalm 139:1,3

The reality is, that some people understand you more than others do.  They “get you”.  They “click” with you.  They are even drawn to want to be around you more than other people, who are less “drawn” to you.

“Like attracts like” is a cliché that applies here.  Some people “get you” because they are on the same mental, emotional, temperamental or whatever other track.  There are times when we just seem to “connect” with someone else.  On occasion we can say why and at other times it’s just not apparent what makes that other dude someone we just “like”.

It’s important to have a few people in our lives who really understand us.  We men want to be understood but we often feel misunderstood.

When someone really grasps the sense of who you are, they don’t question everything you do.  They don’t fight you on every issue.  While asking questions for clarity about what you believe and why you’re doing what you do, they often shake their heads knowingly.  “Ya, I get you.”  Those on your team who “get you” become motivators, encouragers, friends.  We laugh easiest around those kinds of guys. I think it’s rare that a man will have a close friend who constantly “pushes” him on a majority of issues and wants to pull him in a way that is not natural to him.

Ask the Father for a couple of godly, growing men who “get you”.  You need them in your life and so do I.

Now catch this:
The Father gets you.  Fully.  Put your eyes back on the Psalm 139 words and let it sink in.  Better yet, read the entire Psalm.  Memorize it.  Go back to it often.  Make this Psalm one of the gigantic motivators in your life.  When you feel misunderstood, there is One Person who does not misunderstand you.  Are your emotions all tangled up and you don’t know what you’re feeling or thinking?  The Son of God died and rose again so that you could be connected to Him and that He could help you get straightened out.  When you have to take an unpopular stand, the Spirit is right there to help you stand firm and not be a weenie.

Some people get you, some don’t, but God does.
Draw energy and motivation from those who “get” you, for, generally, they want what’s best for you.
Learn from everyone, even from very bad characters.
Accept that not everyone will understand you.

That’s just reality.

Do you have someone in your life who is always trying to pull you in their direction?
What effect are they having on you?
Are you spending too much time with them?
Are they having too much influence on you?

My DAWG is so life transforming for me, for He gets me, likes me, and leads me well.

Pete Alwinson