From The DAWGHOUSE – Condemning

Condemning…It’s the world we live in!
Over the last few weeks, I’ve felt the weight of condemnation more. Certainly because of the news cycle with the social and political climate in which we find ourselves, it’s just in the air. But I’ve felt it in other ways as well. Having attended four funerals this year with two of them happening in the last three weeks, satan has used these events and others to speak lies to me. Why should I be surprised by this, we are told he is at work stealing, killing and destroying. So as I’ve felt the weight of my personal failures, insufficiencies, and limitations, satan has energized those feelings to bring me down.

But, as I’ve continued to seek God in the mornings with my DAWG, He has been so faithful to speak life and hope. The devotional below, written by Scotty Smith was used by God powerfully in my life this week to help me recognize not just what satan was up to but to shout really loudly what God is up to. Whatever your week has been like, I hope you will be energized by grace as you read this.

Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died–more than that, who was raised to life–is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us…Romans 8:34.


Heavenly Father, in light of this bodaciously beautiful passage, why do we condemn ourselves? Why do we absorb contempt from others? Why do we listen to the voice of the accuser, slanderer, liar, the devil…
who despises Jesus.
who despises the Gospel.
Who despises us.
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…Romans‬ ‭8:1‬ ‭
There is not now, and never will be, any condemnation left for our sin, Zilch, nil, nada, naught, goose-egg, zippo judgment is left hanging over us. Astonishing, but it is true.


We will never be more criticized than we were by Jesus’ cross. Yet at the same time, we will never be more celebrated and loved. Because of our sin, Jesus had to die for us; but because of his love, he was glad to do so…
the just for the unjust!
the lovely for the loveless!
the righteous for the rebellious!?
This is the measure of how much you cherish us, Father.
We believe the Gospel; but…
we want to boast more
we want rest deeper
we want to rejoice quicker
in the Gospel!
Knowing Jesus is at your right hand praying for us, we enter this day palms up—in gratitude, peace, worship and surrender. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ mercy-full and almighty name…..Scotty Smith