Excellent vs Mediocre. Cut 2

Philippians 1:9-11  (NASB)

And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; 11 having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

“Approve the things that are excellent.”

Excellent vs Mediocre.

Ok, after some thought…and reading…here are some categories of mediocrity that I’ve been blind to:

Smart phone mediocrity-in some ways a great servant has become a lousy master. I’m going to become master again. It’s a tool. I will not live with its constant demands in order that I can follow more closely what my Savior is saying to me through the day and actually enjoy Him and accomplish His tasks, not a machine’s tasks. A result: I’ll be more relational and less transactional. At least I hope so. I’ve noticed that leaving the tool alone for awhile has meant I’ve accomplished needful things in more godly ways.

Schedule mediocrity-I’m pretty disciplined with my time if the truth be known. My schedule is usually too full rather than not full enough. Result: I never feel accomplished and often, way too often, I feel rushed, and hurried. I need more mental and relational space to do better work.

Speed of life mediocrity- When you run too fast, you trip. I’ve always had “need for speed” issues in life. Driving, doing, listening. Ya speed always gets me in trouble.

Simplicity mediocrity. Less is more. I’ve taught it. I believe it. Now I’m learning it deeper. I’ve noticed that sometimes buying some things gets my electrical circuits sending positive vibes. I resist. But it takes conscious work. I like less because then I own stuff rather than my stuff owning me. But it’s a process.

Here’s a resource, a quick read that’s helping me in this process: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. John Mark Comer wrote it. Young guy. So bright! So well read a man. Excellent read. I’d be an over optimist if I thought all of you would read it. Na…but if 5 of you read it?

Lord, help FORGE men to approve the things that are excellent!

I find that God’s grace in my life keeps opening up new opportunities to grow as a man and it never stops! Grace is so freeing, so energizing. Excellence. Greatness.   Comforting, life giving directions to contemplate.

Mediocre is like hot beer and cold soup.

Not for me. You?

Pete Alwinson