From The DAWGHOUSE – 9-24-2020



            “I disagree, but I’m not offended and glad to hear you speak your views.”

I’m way too far down the Jesus road to move away from His truth just because our society is wildly divided and it’s becoming more perilous to say what I believe, ironically in this land of ours founded on the right to free speech.  So that’s one of the lines I’ll use next time I have the presence of mind to remember it.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”  John 8:32. Every man following Jesus ought to know that passage and the context of that verse.  I’ve been set free from sin and death and hell and I’m sure as heaven not going to be imprisoned by fear of the push back some people give.

So many people are outraged and angry in our country right now.

Must be exhausting for them.
It’s certainly creating chaos for the rest of us.

Angry people expressing their anger verbally in a barely contained physical manner intimate others and create fear in them; in us.  That of course is by design.   I’m planning ahead, right now, to be ready for the outrage should it come to me.  I’m not going to be one of the silent ones.  I’m going to say, if I disagree because of my Jesus first commitment, “I disagree, but I’m not offended and glad to hear you speak your views.”

So many Christians are too silent these days.
And too easily offended.

Too many in our family have a thin skin.
Christian men:  True followers of Jesus have always been a minority in every culture since our Lord started His ministry at 30 years of age.  It’s who we are- the minority.  Accept that status.  We are the people of “the way”.  Of the “narrow way”.  Of the “way, the truth and the life.”  Emphasis: THE.  Not, A. THE way.  That’s what truth means:  THE.  We are always a minority.  The majority disagrees with us.  Deal with it.  Delight in it.  Take your stand there.  Hey, we disagree with them.   Stand on the truth and let them feel the weight of your position.

Don’t be one of those thin-skinned, “I’m always offended type of people.”  People opposed Jesus.  People will oppose you.  Warrior up.

Thin-skinnedness is not a product of the Gospel.  Love and boldness are.

I think we should disagree (graciously) with people way more often than we do.  Not by merely throwing down our opinion and walking away, not by calling people names or attacking them behind their backs, or choosing fights intellectually, but by stating our views when we have opportunity and inviting people to clearly articulate their views.  And trying to get the conversation to Jesus and what He has to say on the subject.  We can take the conversation as far as we can and then say, “Well, I agree on this and that, and disagree (smile) on this stuff.  But I’m not offended and glad to hear you speak your views.”

A follow-up line might be:  “Maybe we can get together and talk about it again.”

My DAWG helps sink grace AND truth into my heart on a daily basis.  It helps me know I’m loved and then love people, and that one of the greatest ways I can love them is by interacting with them graciously on truth issues and keeps me from a stay-at-home, passive-man, scaredy-cat fear.

No one builds a life for very long on lies.
No Christian does any good being fear-based.

Oh, and we’re not trying to win debates.  Jesus already has won.

You take it to heart,
Pete Alwinson

PS   You could also say:  “Hey I don’t totally disagree with you.”  (smile)