FORGE Teams consist of up to 12 men who gather together each week around the table to hear truth and then engage with each other to become equipped for their individual lives.

Building great men as God defines greatness gets worked out in men’s lives through, as Eugene Peterson said: “In the messes in our kitchens and backyards, in storms and in sins, blue skies, daily work, working with us as we are and not as we should be, and where we are and not where we would like to be.”

A FORGE Team is that place where men are free to be ourselves in the realities of our life and find direction, strength and encouragement from other men.

FORGE Team Leaders:Role/Responsibilities

The 5 Points of Team Leaders:

1. Pray for your men weekly to grow as godly, Christ-following men.
2. Promote FORGE weekly by text or by forwarding the weekly outline or personal call.
3. Welcome your men warmly as they arrive at FORGE each week.
4. Lead the Team Talk time by using suggested questions  or substituting your own as per the needs of your Team that day.  Your goal is to get men talking and processing and applying the FORGE Talk of the day.
5. Initiate a lifeline of help to one of your Team Members in a crises.


  • Clear testimony of faith in Jesus Christ.
  • A call and great interest to lead a table.
  • Growth and maturity demonstrated in their life
  • Good emotional maturity- ie, relate well with people.
  • An understanding of Grace.  A man who motivates by grace not by guilt and shame.
  • Experienced participant at FORGE so understands the process and culture.
  • Basic skills in leading a discussion and getting men to interact.
  • Willingness to meet for coaching with other TL’s.
  • Willingness to build an apprentice/assistant TL who will be able to lead in TL’s absence and eventually lead his own table.
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